Manik puts the food out and soon enough everyone joined them.

The table was arranged nicely with red roses in the middle and toast, pancakes, omlet, fruits, juice and coffee and tea arranged nicely.

"It looks yummy.", nandini said him and he smiles.

"It is, manik makes very good pancakes.",cabir said her.

"I am gonna taste manik's pancake after so long. He got so busy with work and stuff that he didn't have time to cook only. I missed it a lot.",dhruv said and rest smiled.

They started their breakfast and nandini smiled in delight.

"It's delicious. I have decided u are making me pancakes everyday.", nandini said him and he looks at her surprised.

"I can't make it everyday.",manik said her.

"Ohk fine, on every weekend you are cooking. No arguments.", nandini said him and he smiled.

"Decided then every weekend we are having breakfast in Malhotra mansion.",alya said and other nodded to which manik laughs and nods.

They were sitting in the living room.

"All of you have plans for Valentine's, I will be bored.",mukti said them.

"We can go on a date.",abhi suggested and manik and cabir gave him a look while dhruv just pats his shoulder.

Nandini gives a teasing look to mukti.

"I mean a friendly date. Like a hangout, it's Valentine's and I don't want to spend alone also mukti too don't have a date. Before too we three used to go together but now nandini has other plans so I thought I can go.",abhi explained himself nervous.

Manik looks at mukti and she gives him a puppy face look.

"Fine, u can take her but if she touches a bit of alcohol then u are in trouble. Make sure of that.",manik tells abhi who nods.

"Bhai it's not fair. It's been so long, I haven't drank alcohol. Please na.",mukti requested him.

"No",he said her firmly.

"Fine.",she said and sits their folding her arms angry.

Cabir wraps his arms around her and whispers something in her ears and she cheers up immediately.

"Ohk guys we are leaving for our plans.",dhruv said them and soon enough everyone went with their partners. Only manik and nandini were left.

"So what are we doing?",manik asks her.

"We are going to dress like a movie character . U will choose the character u want me to dress like and I will choose yours. Also we will choose one behavior of them we want to play. I have already decided what I want you to dress like.", nandini said him.

He raised his eyebrow in question.

"I want u to dress like Ranbir Kapoor in yjhd and be a flirt for the day. I want to see these side of yours.", nandini said him.

"Ohk then I want you to dress like Deepika Padukone in cocktail and be bold for the day. I would love to see your bold side.",manik said her smirking.

"Manik, I am completely different from her.", nandini tells him.

"Tit for tat baby.",manik said and winked at her.

"Manik but that's not fair.", nandini said him.

"Can't pull it off?",manik teased her.

"U will be speechless.", nandini said building up confidence.

"We will see.",manik said her.

Both move to their room.

Manan-Love And Attitudeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें