Novemeber 24,2016

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Ms. Rose
Chapter 1

I ran my hands through my hair. Rain was suppose to be here yesterday but somethings had came up. We had been FaceTimeing every since she left. I'm not gonna lie. The shit sucked, but it was better than not talking to her at all.

"So where is Rain?" My moms husband asked as he walked into the dining room drinking a beer.

"Why you wanna know? You trying to hide someplace?" I asked him as I finished setting the table.

I watched as he cleared his throat. Rain had his ass shook. Before he could respond London came running in the dining room laughing and being chased by my brother.

"London you gotta put this damn dress on!" He yelled as London came and ran behind my leg.

"Mila get yo baby! She hit me in my nuts and took off when I tried to get her in this damn dress,"Jamal said.

I laughed. Rain had been teaching all of us to fight, and I told her she was gonna turn London into a bully and Ra was gonna be one too.  I smiled and looked down at London.

"Why you hit yo brother?" I asked her.

I watched as she looked at him and then at me. She raised her eyebrow.

'Where is Rain?' She signed to me.

"I don't know. She should be on her way," I said as I bent down and ran my hand through her curls.

She looked back at Jamal and nodded her head. She definitely becoming more like Rain each day. I think it's mostly because she trust her and they both have that bond over a traumatic event, that Rain won't let her get into that position again.

"No dress," she told him.

"London you gotta look pretty," he said.

She shook her head no and took off running. Both of the girls have developed a small dislike for men. Well all but Miguel and James. They love those two for no reason. It's kind of bad because they are even starting to rub off on them.

"London! Isaiah why ain't she dressed?" My Mom yelled.

I watched as Isaiah rolled his eyes and sat down at the dinning room table. Since my mom "moved out" we were having thanksgiving at my place for once. I told her I ain't want him her but that's the love of her life and she swears things are gonna get better and he is seeing a therapist. That's was only after Trina called me last week saying mom went out of town again and called the nigga over to watch them for a few days. She said she was going over to a friends house and I better come get the babies. But I did what Rain told me to do. I waited. Called the cops and they bust in the house to London crying and fighting him off and Ra screaming her head off.

After that I told the cops I would take them and I wanted them to stay with me. Rains connections at the station worked and I'm now in the process filing for custody of them.

"This about to be a long ass dinner," he groaned snapping me out of my thoughts.

I laughed and nodded my head. I looked at my big brother and smiled. He looked just like our daddy. Same curly hair, green eyes and goatee. My brother was a few inches shorter than our dad was. Dad was almost 6 feet and he was 5'10. My baby brother got dads height with moms looks.

"I know," I said as the doorbell rang.

"Damn it !London you gotta put this ugly ass dress on!" I heard Trina yell.

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