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Percy had to admit he was a bit concerned about how far he'd let his relationship with Amber go. He loved her a lot and he doubted he would be able to bring himself to end it, but he also wasn't sure if he would be able to restrain himself if Amber eventually decided that she wanted to have sex with him. Percy wasn't an idiot, he knew what could happen if he did have sex with her but now there was also a part of him that wanted it despite that knowledge.

He wouldn't want to have a child only for it to be forced to have the difficult life of a demigod. not to mention that if he got Amber pregnant he would have to leave her, which would mean that Amber would probably be heartbroken, not to mention, forced to raise their child on her own and that child would spend the majority of its childhood not knowing much about him.

Percy knew that he didn't want to leave Amber so his best option was to not mention sex despite how he felt and if Amber mentioned it he would have to refuse and try and talk her out of it. Unfortunately, he wasn't sure if he would be able to follow through with that plan though, and although he knew protection would probably work it would be safer to just control himself and not have sex with her at all.

Thanks to Annabeth Percy knew how it felt to have the person you loved leave you and he didn't want to make Amber go through that. not to mention that if he ever did have a child he would want to be a part of its life not abandon it. while he would like to have children eventually he didn't want any children he might have to have a difficult life like he had.

Percy knew how he felt about Amber and perhaps given more time he would probably consider marrying her but he wasn't really thinking about that yet since they hadn't really been together long enough to be thinking about that yet. If Percy just waited long enough he could try and convince the other gods to make her immortal so he could marry her, as long as she agreed of course.

Once they were married he would no longer have to worry about having to leave her, or not having children. If Percy just waited, and as long as the other gods agreed Percy and Amber could stay together, and be happy, possibly even have children. Percy hadn't really thought of all that though since he wasn't really thinking about marriage yet, and he was also focused on considering his current options.

He honestly wasn't that fond of any of the options that had occurred to him since the idea of marriage hadn't occurred to him yet. In his mind, his only options were: Stay with Amber and try to keep their relationship the way it was or end their relationship so they wouldn't end up taking things too far. Percy wasn't even sure if he would  be able to do either of those things, as much as he didn't want to have a demigod child or have to leave Amber, He was thinking that if Amber ever did tell him she wanted to have sex, he wasn't sure if he would be able to bring himself to say  no.

Even if he did try to talk  Amber out of it he also knew that if he admitted the truth about how he felt to her, she wasn't stupid and he knew she could probably come up with a way to get what she wanted. He might have been the powerful Olympian god and her the mortal, but she had more control over him than he would ever willingly admit. He would like to think he could refuse her and she would just accept that, but he wasn't so sure that he actually could.

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