Once again, I don't know what to call this one

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Amber and I were watching Hephaestus TV after a busy day that had included a rather long Council meeting. At first, the meeting was pretty normal, we discussed a few things before the other gods started arguing. I had to get their attention back though since there was one more thing I wanted to tell them. Part of the reason why I'd called the meeting was that Amber and I had decided it was time for us to tell the others that Amber was pregnant and that she would be having twins.

My father and Apollo already knew but as far as we knew the others didn't. When I thought about it Hera and Artemis might know, considering their domains, but if they did know they hadn't said anything to us about it. I wasn't sure how the other gods would react, I guessed that some of them would be happy for us while others probably wouldn't care. My guess was accurate because most of them congratulated us but a few didn't seem to care. Honestly, what they thought didn't make much difference to me, I was kind of excited about becoming a father again since I couldn't do much to help Amber the last time it had happened. After I ended the meeting a few of the other gods stayed to talk to us. Once they eventually left we went home to our palace. 

After we got there we had dinner and unsurprisingly Amber was eating more than she normally would but then again she's eating for herself and our twins so she had to eat more than usual.  while we were eating  I commented, "The meeting went better than I expected," 

Amber nodded, and said, " yeah, I thought most of them wouldn't care," 

Most of the other gods had seemed happy for us and congratulated us. Although Hera had been happy for us, I think she is also jealous of our strong, happy relationship. I couldn't really blame her since she had been stuck with Zeus for so long.  I kind of hoped that now that he was gone she would eventually find someone new who she could be happy with. I had gotten to know her a little better since I'd become a god and it was obvious to me that she wasn't a bad person, she was just angry and upset because of Zeus' constant cheating. 

After Amber and I finished eating we didn't do much but I eventually kissed her and she returned it. After we had to separate for air  I smiled at her and asked if she had any ideas of what we could name the twins. We talked about it for a bit and because we didn't know the genders of the twins yet we would have to come up with some names for both genders just in case. Most of the names I thought of hade been the names of some of my friends who'd died in the wars. although we both came up with a few names we never really made a decision on what names we would actually use.  we decided to discuss that more another time since we  still had a little more time before the twins would be born. 

Now as Amber and I sat watching TV I could see she was getting tired. But that made sense considering she was pregnant with twins and could have them any day now, not to mention that we'd had a rather busy day. I wasn't sure how much attention she was actually paying to the TV because she looked like she might fall asleep at any moment. Smiling, I pecked her on the lips that got her attention and made her smile for a moment but it didn't last long after her tiredness quickly showed on her face once again. Not long after that, I realized her head was now on my shoulder and she was asleep. I wasn't sure if I could move her without waking her but I was going to try. I thought she would probably be more comfortable if I moved her to our bed, so that was what I was going to try and do.

I carefully moved her head off my shoulder, and not long after that, I lifted her off the couch. Although I had expected that considering that she was pregnant with twins, she was heavier than usual. That made it a bit more difficult to lift and carry her, but it didn't really affect me that much, I am a god after all. Thankfully I never woke her while I was doing that since she could clearly use the rest. I carefully carried her back to our bedroom and set her down on the bed. I pulled the covers over her and left her there sleeping peacefully. It wasn't that late yet so I wasn't going to join her in bed just yet.

Just seeing her sleeping peacefully put a smile on my face. I was sure I was probably the happiest god on Olympus at the moment since I had everything I'd ever dreamed of. I'd married the love of my life, we already had a son and now we would soon have two more additions to our little family. If it wasn't for the prophecy Rachel recited a couple of years ago I would say that things were perfect.

I looked forward to when the twins would be born since I was excited about becoming a father again. Now that Amber and I were married I would be able to help her with basically anything when it came to our children, and because we are both immortal our children would be as well.

Later that night I went to join Amber in bed. She was still sleeping peacefully so I tried not to wake her as I got in beside her. Once I was in beside her I wrapped my arm around her and tried to fall asleep. Although I was almost certain that she was still asleep it seemed like Amber noticed me and snuggled closer to me. That made me smile for a moment before I went back to trying to fall asleep. 

I was looking forward to my future with Amber, I was happy to finally have her by my side, and that we would be able to stay that way forever.  I love Amber so much and I love our children just as much if not more. I didn't know what gender the twins would be, but that didn't really matter to me. I knew I would love them and be happy no matter what the twins were.  I don't think it was too long after that when my mind wandered away from the future, and I finally did fall asleep.

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