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A/N This scene takes place two years after The son of time ended, and three years before the third book, The sky's revenge, starts.

Percy's point of view

It's hard to believe that Amber and I have been married now for two years. It's still hard to believe since for the longest time I thought it would never happen. I think I fell for her the moment I saw her that day so many years ago, but we were forced apart after we found out she was pregnant with Luke.

I had never stopped missing her during the years we were apart, but I couldn't go back to her no matter how much I wanted to. after Luke arrived at camp half blood I could no longer force myself not to return to her, and now I at least had a weak excuse as to why I was visiting her. we couldn't help but resume our old ways although it did take some time to get used to each other again.

Now though I think I can safely say that I am happy. Luke stays at camp, we visit him when we can, Amber seems to have settled into her new position, and most of the other Olympians have accepted her. we now live in an undersea palace that was built a few months after we got married. We have pretty much settled into a routine.

One night as we laid in bed Amber asked me a question, and I had to consider how to word my answer.

She had said, "Do you want more children?"

After considering my answer, I said, "Yes, I never got the chance to be there as Luke grew up, and I would like to be able to experience that and be the father that I should have been for Luke."

I asked her, "Do you?"

She replied, "Yes, I always wanted children, and I know we have Luke, but I think I would like to have more."

I said, "Good to know that we agree then,"

Amber nodded in agreement. I gave her a quick kiss. We talked for quite a while that night, and we eventually decided that we would try for another child. Things would be different this time around, though, this time, I could actually be there to help Amber through her pregnancy, and to be the father that I wished I could have been for Luke.

I think that the next day she must have spoken to one of the other goddesses to find out what would be different this time around if she did get pregnant. My guess is that she went to one of the goddesses who was least likely to gossip about the fact we were trying for another child. My guess is that she asked Hera since she's the goddess of motherhood and is probably least likely to spread rumors about us.

Obviously, I wouldn't have been able to tell her anything about it all I knew was that pregnancies are shorter for goddesses and the only reason I know that is because my mom had my brother a couple years ago.  things had calmed down since the war, and we didn't have to have as many council meetings as we were then.

I think most of us saw it as the calm before the storm since the new prophecy had stated that there would be another war. we had no idea when that war would start.  for now, we'll enjoy the peace while it lasts. that night I walked into our bedroom and found Amber  sitting on the bed in a nightdress that did almost nothing to hide her body underneath. If I said seeing her like that didn't affect me I would be lying. That night we didn't get much sleep but neither of us were complaining.

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