Dreams Come True

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Percy's Point of view

I stood at the end of the isle waiting for Amber to join me. Amber would be walking to me on her own since her father had died, and her mother was mortal and would most likely disapprove of us marrying. Amber had chosen some goddesses and nymphs that she had met here on Olympus as  her maid of honour and bridesmaids since she only had one real mortal friend, and mortals couldn't come to Olympus except for under certain circumstances.

I was rather nervous as I waited for her to walk up the aisle to join me, I  was trying my hardest not to fidget.  I know you're probably thinking the great Percy Jackson is nervous, well I know I've been in many battles and gotten out of numerous  life or death situations, but I still couldn't help but be very nervous. despite the fact that I was nervous I was also quite happy, I was getting to experience something that I had dreamed of but never really believed that I would get the chance to experience. When Amber started walking toward me it was really hard not to stare at her. her veil was thin enough that I could just make out her face through it. She had some makeup on but it was just enough that it enhanced her most beautiful features. Her dress was strapless and was so long that you couldn't see her feet. 

when she reached me I said, "You look beautiful."

"You don't look so bad yourself." She said in reply. I smiled at her.

I was wearing a black suit with a white shirt, and a sea-green tie. 

Hera carried out the ceremony, and then the reception started. Amber and I sat at a table by ourselves. As the reception continued Amber said, "We're finally married."

I replied, "Yes we are Mrs. Jackson." a smirk forming on my face. 

Amber said, "I thought you didn't use your last name anymore?"

Shrugging I said, "I don't really, but it has a nice ring to it,"

"Amber Jackson," She muttered to herself, "It does have a pretty good ring to it," She agreed.

I continued to smirk at her, I couldn't help but think that my dreams had come true, I had gotten to marry the love of my life, the woman of my dreams, I couldn't even imagine being with anyone else. 

That was one of the best nights of my life because Amber and I were finally able to stay together instead of our relationship having to end.  Part of me wished this could have happened years ago when Amber and I were together the first time, but if that had happened we probably wouldn't have Luke. While I wished he hadn't had to deal with the war, I knew that I was incredibly proud of him and I was pretty sure Amber was too. 

The New God Series Shorts and One Shots.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن