Late Night Visit

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Amber's Point of view

I woke up suddenly when I heard my son's crying from the next room. I quickly got up and walked into his room, an all too familiar scent hit my nose as I walked through the door. It was the scent of a fresh sea breeze. I instantly knew that Percy must have visited Luke. But then I remembered that Percy had said that he was bound by ancient laws so how did he visit Luke.

Had he broken the laws in order to see him? If he did I hoped he wouldn't get in trouble for it. I also wondered why he hadn't caused Luke to wake up sooner. Or if he had, why Luke hadn't cried. Usually, if you disturbed Luke while he was sleeping he'd start bawling. Had Percy just looked at him without picking him up? That didn't seem likely, if I had been in his position I wouldn't have been satisfied with just looking at him. I definitely would have picked him up. So had Luke just not cried when Percy disturbed him? That was hard to believe, but it was still possible.

The reason why I knew why it had been a little while since Percy had left was because the sea breeze scent that he left behind wasn't as strong as it would be if he had just left. As all those thoughts were going through my head I tended to Luke. As I was Tending to him, trying to find out why he was crying I noticed a box sitting on the chair where I would normally sit with Luke if he was being particularly fussy or if I just wanted to hold him. 

Tonight it seemed it was the first one. I figured out pretty quickly that the problem wasn't his diaper so my next thought was that he could be hungry. That seemed to be the problem so I took care of him and got him to fall back to sleep, after that, I  carefully set him back into his crib. Due to the fact that I already suspected that Percy had been there to see Luke, I guessed the box was probably from him since it hadn't been there earlier when I put Luke in his crib for the night.

 I'd set the box on the floor when I was trying to get Luke to settle down, but out of curiosity I picked it back up and opened it to see what Percy had left behind. Unsurprisingly it was a few things for Luke, my friends had thrown a baby shower for me so I had the gifts they'd given me as well as some things that I'd bought myself. It would probably be a little while before I'd have to get anything new for Luke. I probably wouldn't need anything until Luke outgrew the clothes I had for him, well except for diapers and other things that would need to be replaced sooner.  

The fact that Percy had come to see Luke hadn't bothered me, after all, I trusted him, so it's not like I thought he would hurt Luke or kidnap him. Not to mention that Luke is Percy's son to so despite what the other gods said He had a right to see him.  I was just thankful that Percy still cared about us and hadn't just moved on. Technically I still wished that Percy could have stayed, but I understood why he couldn't and I guessed he had probably taken a risk by even coming to see Luke.

 Despite that I didn't blame him, after all, I probably would have done the same thing if our positions were reversed. It made sense that Percy would want to see him so I wasn't going to blame him for it.  After I looked at the contents of the box I headed back to my room, got back into my bed, and tried to fall back to sleep myself. Like all new Parents, I haven't been getting as much sleep as I used to since I had Luke. So far though I have been managing.

For now, I am off on maternity leave from work, but when that ends I will have to find a daycare or something where Luke can go because I don't have anyone else to watch him while I'm at work. My friends all have jobs and lives of their own to worry about, my father died of cancer while I was in High school, and my mother lives in another state and we rarely talk. I moved to New York to go to college, but after I finished I decided to stay here. I have been doing okay so far. My friends try to help sometimes, but there isn't much they can do.

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