Fate or a Mistake

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Warning! The majority of this part is smut so if you don't want to read that I suggest you skip this one. To those of you who do read it, I hope you think it's okay.

Third Person Point of view
One night Percy and Amber went on a date to a restaurant. While they were there Amber's mind wandered to something that she had been thinking about a lot recently. She had recently decided that she wanted her relationship with Percy to get more serious. She knew she wanted to have sex with him and she hoped that would happen soon.
Although Amber was still unaware of it, Percy had also been having similar thoughts lately but he hadn't said anything to her mainly because he was well aware of what could happen if he didn't restrain himself. No matter how strongly he felt about her he knew that if he caved to his desires he could very well end up getting Amber pregnant, and he did not want to put a child through the hellish life of being a demigod.

He was sure that any child of his would-be extremely powerful, which would mean they would attract a lot of monsters. The possibility of a child wasn't the only reason Percy was trying to restrain himself, he also knew that if Amber got pregnant he would have to leave her, and that was something he definitely didn't want to do, not only because of how strong his feelings for her had become but also because of his loyalty.

Amber had decided to mention how she felt about him after they got back to her apartment. Once they had finished their meals and paid the bill Percy and Amber went back to Amber's apartment. For a while, they simply talked about many different things from what was going on in their lives to simply stating their love for each other. Amber eventually decided that wasn't enough though, so she kissed him passionately and of course, Percy returned the kiss with just as much passion.

Amber's mind was set on having her first time be with Percy and having it be soon. The fact that if she got pregnant her child would be a demigod hadn't really occurred to Amber even though Percy had talked about demigods before when he told her about some of the events from his past.  Perhaps she just hadn't wanted to think about it since at that moment her desire for sex seemed to be overruling her better judgment.

Percy also hadn't told her about that, or the fact that he would have to leave if she got pregnant because he didn't know how to bring it up, after all, it wasn't an ideal date topic. For the first time in her life, Amber felt like she'd had enough of being a virgin, she was no longer satisfied with just heated make-out sessions she needed something more and Percy was the only guy she wanted to give that to her. Sure she knew she could get pregnant if they weren't careful, and she was slightly annoyed at herself for not thinking to start taking  birth control pills or something but at that moment she wasn't really thinking about any of that and the main thing on her mind was Percy and what she wanted him to do to her.

Amber kissed  Percy and he quickly responded, returning it, after all, it was just kissing. It grew more heated until Percy's tongue was in her mouth. They eventually had to separate for air. After Amber caught her breath she said, "I love you,"

Percy replied, "I love you too,"

After that, much to Percy's confusion she got up and started walking away. At first, Percy just assumed that she was just going to the bathroom or something but as she walked she swayed her hips in a way that made it nearly impossible for him to tear his eyes away from her ass until she went into her bedroom where he could no longer see her. Percy was frozen to the spot for a moment surprised and confused by what she had just done.

He had assumed that she would be too nervous to do something like that to get his attention, for starters she was rather self-conscious of her appearance despite Percy telling her repeatedly that she was beautiful. But then again, she was also smart and she obviously knew full well that although Percy would never admit it he had been practically wrapped around her finger almost since they first met and he had been attracted to her right from the start.

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