An old Friend

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Amber's point of view
A lot had happened in what seemed to be a short time, even though it has actually been several years. The last time I had visited my mom I noticed that her health was starting to deteriorate, she was still able to take care of herself but thoughts of what might happen in the not too distant future still flooded my mind. As amazing as my life was now I couldn't help but worry about my mother. 

I hadn't completely left my old life behind, I didn't regret giving up my life as a mortal for Percy but I could still find myself thinking about my mother or my old friends from college. I also still do things the long way sometimes even though I could do basically anything by simply waving my hand. my new life has been a lot to get used to so every now and again I go down to New York and I just take some time to think about my life and how much it's changed. 

One day while I was doing this I happened to be thinking about Sarah and my other friends from college. I honestly didn't expect to ever see any of them ever again but that day proved me wrong. I was just walking down the sidewalk with no particular destination in mind and came face to face with my former best friend who I had left behind when I had chosen to marry Percy.  Sarah and I stopped in our tracks surprised expressions appearing on our faces since we hadn't expected to see each other again. 

At almost the same time  we both spoke in surprise, she said, "Amber,"

I said, "Sarah,"

She asked, "Where have you been? I haven't seen you  in almost three years,"

I replied, "I know, Percy and I moved away after we got married, we're just back here visiting,"

I didn't like having to lie to her but I didn't exactly have any other choice, she didn't know that everything from Greek mythology was real and that Percy is a god and now I am a goddess.

Sarah said, "I still don't really understand why you took him back and married him, I mean he left you when you were pregnant,"

not really annoyed I replied, "I know, He had his reasons and I understand why he had to do it so I never really blamed him,"

"Well, I guess as long as you're happy with him I'm not going to argue," she said, giving up on getting a full explanation out of me.

I replied, "I am happy with him, just like my feelings for him never died, he still feels the same way about me. We are happily married, honestly, I don't know if things could get any better,"

While I was saying that my hand involuntarily drifted to my stomach, an obvious giveaway to the fact that I was once again pregnant. She noticed and said, "You're pregnant again, aren't you? 

I smiled before telling her that she was right, I let her think that it was just early in my pregnancy and I didn't tell her that I was having twins either. I could tell that she wanted to be annoyed with me for just up and disappearing like I had, but we had been best friends for a long time so it was hard for her to stay mad at me. I asked her what had happened in her life since I'd left and I found out that she now had a son of her own.

 She'd met her then boyfriend, now husband,  a short time after I'd first met Percy. His name is Chen, he was Chinese, his family had emigrated to the U.S. when he was still a kid. I'd met him, so I knew that he had seemed to be a nice guy and their relationship had obviously worked out since they were married and had a son. I was happy for her, I may have left my life as a mortal behind but I never forgot the friends and family that I had left behind. 

After I had married Percy I eventually found myself wondering what had happened to my friends and my mother since I'd left. the thoughts would usually pass before long but every now and again they would return and I would wonder how Sarah and all my other friends were. I congratulated Sarah for getting married and having her son.  Despite the fact that it had only been a couple years since I'd left it seemed like a lot had happened in that short amount of time.

 Megan and her husband had divorced after he cheated on her so she was now a single mother, Emma and her husband were still together, jasmine was bisexual so she was now with another woman, some of them had different jobs than when I had left, so much had happened in what seemed to be a short time. We talked for quite a while until she had to leave and I felt I should probably head back since Percy and the others might start to wonder where I had gone.

 Part of me had wanted to tell Sarah the truth about why Percy had to leave me when I was pregnant with Luke, and why I had just disappeared when I had married Percy, not to mention why I hadn't invited Sarah or any of my other friends to our wedding. She was my best friend  but I'd kept my mouth shut and lied since I knew that not all mortals were able to handle the truth, I now understood that Percy had taken a risk when he'd first told me the truth but thankfully I had been able to accept what he had told me no matter how crazy it had sounded. If I told Sarah she would either believe me and accept the truth, or she would think that I'd lost my mind. Out of those two options, I figured the second one was more likely so I figured it would be best to just keep my mouth shut.

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