Stories of the Past

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Percy's Point of View

I woke up in the middle of the night, for some reason my mind was stuck in the past thinking about my years as a demigod. Even though I could if I wanted to, I wouldn't go back to that time and change anything. Even if I could prevent myself from having to go through Tartarus. As horrible as that experience was, it was necessary for someone to go through it in order to unchain the doors of death, and I don't know if Annabeth could have survived Tartarus on her own.

I got out of bed and walked out onto the balcony that had been added to my palace on Olympus when it was renovated to suit Amber as well as me.

another guest room had been added since the two that it already had were turned into the twins' rooms. We had decided to stay on Olympus for a few days for a change since we spend most of our time in our palace under the sea.

My thoughts still on the past I gazed up at the sky, the stars and moon shone brightly that night illuminating the palaces, temples, and streets nearby. I noticed that there was a palace off in the distance that still clearly had some lights on inside. I recognized it as Aphrodite's I knew what she was most likely doing but I really didn't care.

As my thoughts once again returned to the past I once again turned my gaze on the sky. Before too long my gaze landed on a particular constellation, my favourite constellation. I couldn't help but wonder if she saw me now What would Zoe think of me? Would she still consider me a decent guy and a friend? Or would she jump to conclusions and assume that I had become the kind of man that she hated?

I blamed myself for her death for a while, but I had eventually come to realize that since it was foretold in the prophecy it was pretty much inevitable and I was just glad that I'd been able to help her find peace in her last moments and that I'd helped her see that not all men were arrogant pricks like Heracles. As those thoughts went through my head I heard the doors to the balcony open. Assuming it was Amber, I continued looking up at the sky and waited for her to join me.

"What are you doing out here?" She asked once she reached my side.

I tore my gaze from the sky and turned and looked at her. I replied, "I couldn't get back to sleep so I came out here to think."

Amber nodded before asking, "About what?"

I replied, "For some reason, my mind is stuck on the past. I was thinking about when I was a demigod, in particular, my time in Tartarus, and the quest to save Artemis. I don't regret anything I did when I was a demigod, and my time in Tartarus doesn't really bother me that much anymore. I could go back and change what happened, but I won't. As nice as it would be to save some of my friends it wouldn't really be worth it.

"Why not?" Amber asked.

I replied, "Because there is no guarantee that what I would come back to when I returned to this year would be what I had wanted, I might come back and find that we had lost one of the wars, or that I'd never become a god, or never met you. If there's one thing I know about my domain it's that it doesn't really allow you to screw up.

I wouldn't want to live in a world where we'd lost one of the wars or where I hadn't met you. I may have had to go down a hard path to get here, but I wouldn't change any of it because I don't think I could be happier with how things have turned out. If I did try and came back to something other than this I think I would regret my actions immediately because I can't imagine a future better than being here with you."

Her only response was, "I love you,"

I smiled at her before replying, "I love you too,"

I kissed her and she returned it passionately. I wasn't kidding when I told her that I couldn't imagine a better future than being with her, sure it would be nice if my friends or Christina hadn't died but it wasn't worth the risk that went along with trying to change the outcome of events that had already taken place. Besides, I didn't figure the fates would be too happy if I messed with the future they had planned out. Who knows what they would come up with to replace this one. Whatever it would be I got the feeling I wouldn't like it so I'm far better off leaving things as they are.

Amber and I had just separated for air when we heard the door to the balcony open once again. Although I suspected it was just one or both of the twins I glanced in that direction just to be sure. Sure enough, it was Zoe, I wasn't sure what she was doing up at this time of night but I soon found out when she walked over to us.

She told us that she had woken up and been unable to get back to sleep. Normally I would have taken her right back inside and put her back to bed but I got an Idea and decided to go with it. I asked her, "Zoe, do you want to hear a story?"

Like pretty much any young child would she nodded eagerly and then waited for me to tell her the story I had in mind. The story I told her was basically a toned down version of Zoe Nightshade's story. I would fill in what I hadn't told her when she was a little older since she was still pretty much a five year old. When I got to the end of the story and told her about Zoe becoming a constellation I picked up Zoe and pointed out the hunteress constellation in the sky above us. I also told her that Zoe was who we had named her after. Even though she was still pretty young at that point she still seemed kind of awed by her namesake and she seemed perfectly Happy knowing that she was named after Zoe.

Once we were done with storytime I took Zoe back inside and put her to bed. Once she had once again fallen asleep I left and headed back to bed myself where Amber was waiting for me. As I slid back under the covers I Smiled at Amber before wrapping my arms around her and closing my eyes. As I waited for sleep to find me I was no longer thinking about the past but about now and the future I would have with Amber, my beautiful, amazing wife, and our children. 

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