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A/N I updating several of the earlier scenes in this book including Fate or a Mistake, The Morning After, Heartbreak, and The call. 

Percy's Point of view

I sighed as I watched Amber walk from her apartment to her car. Ever since I had to end our relationship I've been watching over her to make sure she wouldn't get hurt. I knew I would never forgive myself if something did hurt or kill her, especially since she was six months pregnant and her being seriously hurt or killed would also mean the loss of our unborn child. Even if Amber did get hurt and recovered our baby might still die.

I knew I couldn't stand to lose either one of them and I was doing everything I could to make sure that they would be safe. Unlike the day I had ended our relationship, Amber's pregnancy was now obvious, When I had left her the slight bump she had could have easily been overlooked, or someone who didn't know the truth might have just assumed that Amber put on a few extra pounds.

Now there was no mistaking it since it was obvious that she was pregnant and I knew that before her pregnancy was over she would probably still get a little bigger since she still had roughly three months left depending on when the baby ends up coming. Even though the truth was obvious I was still working on accepting the fact that I am going to be a father, I knew that it was something I wanted, but I hadn't expected it to happen the way it had.

I'd originally thought that I would marry Annabeth, and she would be the mother of any children I would have, but I'd learned quickly that wasn't going to be the case when she broke up with me. Once I'd fallen for Amber I'd tried to control myself so we wouldn't end up in this situation but she'd started it and before too long I'd given in. Now here I was watching her as she walked to her car one hand holding her keys, and the other one resting on her baby bump.

I know you could argue that I was basically stalking her but I wanted to make sure she was safe since I knew I would never forgive myself if something did happen to her and our unborn baby.  The additional weight that Amber had gained so far during her pregnancy didn't make me think she was any less beautiful, she may have put on some extra weight, but that was because our baby was growing within her, and obviously, that was a good thing since it meant that our baby was healthy. 

More than anything I wanted to go over to her, apologize and tell her I wouldn't leave again, wrap her in my arms and kiss her, but I knew I couldn't. No matter how much I still loved her I knew I couldn't put her in danger like that so I stayed put no matter how hard it was. I sighed wistfully as I watched her, I knew I still loved her, and I doubted I would move on from her any time soon but I also knew I would have to continue keeping an eye on her if only to reassure myself that she was okay. I wasn't sure how I would keep this up until our child is old enough to go to camp and learns of me but I knew I had to no matter how hard it was.  

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