What If?

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A/N Keep in mind that this never actually happened, It's just an idea I had.

Percy's point of view.

I lounged casually in a chair in my palace there weren't any meetings today since there wasn't anything important to discuss. My training sessions had also become less frequent as I was getting closer to completing my training. To be completely honest I was bored, time continued to run at its usual pace, the tides and waves of the sea were also coming and going smoothly, I had checked on the demigods yesterday, in other words, my domains didn't require my attention. That's when I heard it, it was a desperate cry for help coming from a voice that I knew all too well. I'd heard Amber plead, "Percy please help us."

Since she was praying specifically to me I would have been the only god to hear her prayer. I also understood perfectly well why she had said us since she would probably be around seven months pregnant now, and even if she knew how to defend herself she would have difficlty doing it at seven months pregnant. I could only hope that I could save her without Zeus finding out about it. I quickly teleported to where I knew she was, and I came face to face with one of my old enemies who was about to attack Amber.

"Kelli!" I spat as I saw the empousa who had nearly killed me twice about to launch herself at the woman I love.

"Perseus Jackson, coming against the ancient laws are you?"

"Not exactly," I replied.

Sure Zeus won't be happy if he hears about this, but the ancient laws won't stop me from saving the lives of Amber and our unborn child.

Kelli said, "I don't normally harm mortals, but my master has seen fit for me to end this weakling mortal's life. He cannot allow the child to be born. That's when Kelli lunged at Amber, but I quickly froze the empousa in time and stepping in between Amber and the empousa, summoned riptide to my hand. I freed Kelli but before Kelli could make another attempt I quickly drove riptide through her chest causing her to turn into gold dust.

I turned to face Amber, I wasn't sure what to say to her after not being face to face with her like this in five months. When we had last talked you wouldn't have been able to tell she was pregnant by looking at her, but now her pregnancy was obvious. Looking at her was when it really hit me, in a couple months' time I would be a father. I asked Amber, "Are you alright?"

Amber nodded before saying, "Yes, I was just heading to my car, but she came after me. I knew I probably wouldn't be able to get away from her on my own so I called you. I wouldn't have called you except I couldn't stand to lose our Son."

"It's going to be a boy then?", I said still absorbing the fact.

She nodded and then asked, "Will you get in trouble for this?"

I replied, "I should be fine as long as Zeus doesn't find out, but I can't risk sticking around too long."

She nodded understanding and I was pretty sure that I could see sadness on her face that she was trying to hide. I guessed that she was sad because once again I couldn't stay.

I said, "to be honest I'd rather stay with you but I can't, I'm sorry. Just know that I love you, and I always will." As I finished that statement I did something that I regretted afterward since it just left me wishing for more. I kissed her before turning away and returning to my palace thoughts of Amber and our son still whirling through my head.

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