Little Brother

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Christina's point of view

I was walking through camp when I saw two boys who I assumed were a demigod and a satyr walk over half blood hill.  As they got closer I recognized the satyr as Sam Wood. I knew that he had been sent to a school in lower manhattan  looking for demigods, and he had obviously found one.  I watched as they headed toward the big house to speak with Chiron and Mr. D.  I headed off to my next activity  which happened to be canoeing. As I was on the lake I saw that Chiron was showing the new boy around camp.  I actually got a better look at the boy this time around, and I was rather surprised that he looked like a younger version of my adoptive father.

 I obviously guessed that the boy was probably my half brother. My dad had never mentioned him but I was sure the boy had to be his son. there were several gods  and a few goddesses with black hair, and some demigods still get features from their mortal parent, but his eyes were what made me so sure. from where I was on the lake I couldn't see if they had sea green specks in them, but I was sure that they were gold, and gold isn't an eye colour you see every day. 

I couldn't help but wonder about the new boy as I continued with my day's activities. Back when my dad adopted me he was still new to godhood, heck his cabin here at camp had only been finished a few days before  he brought me here. I hadn't really expected him to have any demigod children since he seemed different from most of the other gods.

 Since the boy looked to be twelve, he was most likely born during the same year that Percy Adopted me.  When it was time for dinner I headed to the dining pavilion, when I got there I noticed that the boy was sitting at the Hestia table meaning he hadn't been claimed yet. We got our food, and just as Chiron was giving the announcements a symbol appeared over the new boy's head. 

The symbol of his godly parent confirmed what I had already suspected since it was the same one that had appeared over my head when My father had claimed me as his adoptive daughter. The claiming proved that I had a younger brother. After we finished dinner I introduced myself to him and led him to the campfire. after that, we went back to our father's cabin for the night. 

I went to the bathroom to get changed for bed, and just as I was coming out I heard my father's voice. I hurried toward him, hugged him, and shouted, "Dad!" 

He hugged me back while looking down at me with his usual caring smile. I say he looked down at me because despite the fact I was in my twenties now he was still taller than me. I was around 5'9 while he looked closer to 6'5. I guessed that he had been standing Talking to Luke, my new half-brother. I remembered how I felt and still feel toward my birth father, and I guessed that it could take a little time before Luke would accept dad. I guessed that dad suspected that too based on the space between them and what I had heard of their conversation. I asked him, "Why didn't you tell me I had a little brother?" 

He told me that he'd explain another time.  Dad asked me to train luke with his powers when he wasn't here to do it. We continued to talk until Luke blurted that he was still there. Dad looked at him slightly amused, I guessed that wasn't the first time Luke had interrupted him. I couldn't help but be slightly amused myself.  

When we finished our conversation Luke ran toward us and hugged Dad. Dad was slightly surprised but he quickly returned it. I was kind of surprised too, even though I knew that Dad was one of the nicest of the gods I was still surprised that luke had accepted him so quickly.  I assumed that Dad still had to leave Luke and his mother, and I knew Luke couldn't be happy about that. but  it was obvious that he had accepted him already since he told Dad that he understood and that he forgave him since Dad had apparently tried to protect him and his mother. 

Dad was the first one to pull away from their hug, saying that he had to leave. Before he left he told Luke to look in the chest at the end of his bed I could only assume that Dad had put something there for him. I watched as Luke Thanked Dad for whatever he had done for him and shortly after that Dad left. As they spoke I could see how much Dad Cared for Luke, it was clearly written on his face, I could hear it in his tone of voice as well. 

I wasn't jealous of Luke, even though I knew that I was adopted and that Luke was truly dad's son. I knew that wouldn't make any difference to Dad I knew that he cares for both of us. I wouldn't get in his way if he spends more time with Luke for a little while since he would want to get to know him.

Luke's arrival made me wonder if Dad had other demigod children that just weren't old enough to come to camp yet, and for that matter did he have any Roman demigod children that I didn't know about because they were Roman.

I kind of doubted that since I was pretty sure that Dad Preferred his Greek form since he had been born Greek, and I didn't think that he was Like Apollo or Hermes. He didn't seem like the type of guy who would run around with a bunch of different women.

Two days after Luke arrived I got a chance to talk to my dad alone. not only did I have questions for him, but there was also something I had to tell him. I was going to tell him that Nathan and I were planning on getting an Apartment in new Greece, and moving in together. We would do it no matter what my dad thought, but he deserved to know. 

Dad said, "I'm guessing you probably have some questions about Luke."

I nodded before saying, "Yes, I never really expected to get half siblings, but when I saw him I knew he had to be your son, after all,  he looks so much like you."

Smiling dad said, "Yes he did end up looking a lot like me, but if you know what to look for you can see that he has some features from his mother. She truly is a wonderful woman, I never used to believe in love at first sight, but now I'm not sure. I met her two days after I became a god, we fell for each other, I eventually told her the truth about who I am, but in the end, due to the ancient laws I was forced to leave her. 

After that, I did what I could to protect her and Luke from afar, but because of the ancient laws, there wasn't much I could do. I never told you about him because in order to protect him I only told four other people  about him. I told your grandparents, Grover Underwood, and Chiron. I'm honestly still surprised that he forgave me so quickly. "

I nodded saying, "Luke told me a few things about his mother, it sounds like she is a good person."

Dad nodded saying, "She really is, she was kind, caring, Smart, Beautiful.

As he spoke about Luke's  mother I was pretty sure I could see sadness, and was that wistfulness on his face. Seeing that was when it hit me, I said," You still love her don't you?"

Sighing he replied, "Yes, I think the only reason I was able to leave her was because I wanted to protect her. I wasn't made to behave as the other gods do, my loyalty would never allow it."

I said, "That means..."

"That you and Luke are my only demigod children." Dad said, finishing my statement.

I finally said, "Dad there's something I need to tell you."

"What?" he asked.

I replied, "NathanandIaregoingtogetanapartmentinNewGreece,Wewantto moveintogether.

Since I said that so quickly  Dad said, "Say that again."

I took a breath and repeated what I had said, but more slowly this time. After I finished I half expected him to go all overprotective dad on me, but much to my surprise he just said, "If that's what you want I'm not going to stop you. You're an adult now you can make your own decisions, besides I can tell that he will remain loyal to you. As long as you're happy I'm fine with it."

I couldn't help but hug him right there since I had been expecting him to be overprotective of me It wouldn't have been the first time. Just as Dad was about to walk away I said, "I Think Luke forgave you so quickly because he could see how much you care about him, and because you were honest with him."

Moments after that my dad left with an obvious smile on his face. 

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