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Amber's point of view
I was sitting in my living room when I heard my phone go off, I could tell by the tone that I had received a text message. It was from my best friend Sarah, she was telling me that our friends would be getting together to hang out a few days from now. We don't see each other as often as we used to since now I'm not the only one in our group that has a child. 

I almost found it funny when my friend Megan told the rest of us that she was pregnant, so many different opinions are tossed around about pregnancy, some people say it's the best thing that could ever happen, others just say that it sucks and that giving birth hurts like hell. When Megan asked me for my honest opinion  I told her the truth, I told her that those nine months are far from fun, but in the end, it's worth it. 

I didn't regret having Luke, even though raising him on my own wasn't easy. I was happy to have him, and the only thing that would have made my life better the last twelve years would be if Percy came back to me. Now, my life is almost perfect. While I worry about Luke since he has gone through a lot this summer I can't help but be extremely happy.

 Percy has come back to me, and he proposed to me. Not only that but when the first time he asked was a spur of the moment decision, he redid it just for the effect. I am going to marry the man of my dreams, I never thought we would get the chance, but now I can't wait. I told my friends that I would join them. 

The night of the gathering we all talked and laughed, but eventually, Emma said to me, "You seem more cheery than usual, What has put you in such a good mood?" 

I knew that I always used to miss Percy, but I didn't think it had been that obvious. now that he was back and I was happy they noticed right away. I asked them, "Was it that obvious?"

Emma replied, "Yes,  what has changed? have you finally gotten over that jerk and found someone else?"

Slightly annoyed by her calling Percy a jerk I replied, "No, Percy came back. We are back together, and he proposed to me."

I lifted my hand showing them the beautiful ring that he had given me.

My friends' moods changed as soon as those words left my mouth.

Emma said, " You took him back after he left you when you were pregnant with his child!"

I replied, "Calm down, do you want to make a scene? He's not the jerk that you all think he is. He's a good man, he wouldn't have left if he had a choice, his job forced him to leave. 

I didn't like having to lie to them, but the fact that they were constantly bringing up how Percy had left me and were making him sound like he was a horrible person. I just couldn't take it any longer. I know this sounds really mean, but I honestly wasn't too upset about abandoning them when I marry Percy, the only one who had learned that I didn't want to listen to their constant comments about Percy was Sarah. She had supported and helped me when I was pregnant with Luke, and still tries to help when she can. Honestly, she would be the only one that I would really miss.

Unlike the others. I knew that once I told my mother she would probably have plenty to say to me as well. I don't really want to hear her judgmental comments, I might not tell her until we are married and just tell her that we eloped, that would be easier than coming up with an excuse for why she wouldn't be invited to the wedding. I know that all sounds mean, but if you were in my situation you would probably be doing the same thing. 

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