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A/N obviously it's not quite Christmas yet but I came up with this idea and decided to do it. If you are confused by the fact that something's different from the other books I just edited the other books to go along with it as well as two of the other scenes from this book. there might have been chapters in the other books I missed but I'll fix them later. So you can all consider this an early Christmas gift.

Amber's point of view 

"Mommy, Mommy,  it's Christmas," my little boy called as he came running into my bedroom. before I responded to him I glanced at the digital alarm clock on my dresser before sighing, it was barely six o'clock. Even though I'm not that religious I still celebrate Christmas, Despite the fact that I now know the Greek gods aren't just myths and that they still exist to this day. Obviously Luke is still clueless about the true identity of his father and hopefully, it will stay that way for a while.

 I reluctantly got up and started to make myself a coffee. Since he is still quite young Luke still believes in Santa and all the other things that kids believe in. Raising Luke has been far from easy so far but I try my best to make sure that we have everything we need and hopefully a bit more. despite the difficulties, I'd managed to scrape together a decent Christmas for us.  I could see how excited my little three-year-old was but despite that, I insisted that we eat breakfast before we opened any gifts. I could see he didn't really want to wait but he reluctantly gave in.

As I got breakfast ready he was still running around as hyper as ever. I sighed knowing it wouldn't be easy to get him to settle down. Every time I look at him I can't help but acknowledge that even at his young age he looks so much like his father. It was now clear that he'd also gotten his father's eyes, and I got the feeling that he would have even more things in common with his father than just facial features.

 I finally got him settled down long enough to eat breakfast and then he ran back into our living room toward our Christmas tree and the gifts that sat underneath it.  I decided not to make him wait any longer so I grabbed my cup of coffee and followed him into the Living room, leaving the dishes for later. As I entered the living room and sat down on the couch I could see that he had at least waited for me before he started to open anything.

 Despite our situation, I'd managed to get a couple of gifts for him. I also still exchange gifts with my mother even though she lives in a different state. We had been on slightly better terms since the last time  I visited her and she had sent us gifts so I felt obligated to send one in return. I sat down with Luke and let him open his first gift.

It was his gift from Santa, or at least it was signed, from Santa but as we all eventually learn Santa isn't actually real. It was one of the things he'd asked for. His second gift was from me and I knew it was one of the things he'd asked for. He ripped through the paper patterned with Santa Clauses on it and his happy expression when he saw the contents of the package made all I'd done to afford this Christmas worth it.

Despite that, there had been one thing I hadn't been able to get him because it was just too expensive, toys, even ones for kids his age could get rather expensive. I hoped he wouldn't be too disappointed that he didn't get it but there wasn't much I could have done, being a single mother isn't easy and there's only so much money to go around, most of which goes toward the apartment, food, clothes, and the car.

We opened the rest of the gifts including the ones from my mother and I thought we were done but Luke spotted one more gift and an envelope under the tree. I didn't recognize either the gift or the envelope. I knew I hadn't put them under there. For a moment I wondered how they had gotten there but I quickly came up with a theory.

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