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Percy's point of view

We were staying on Olympus for a few days since there was going to be several meetings. My old palace on Olympus was renovated so it would suit all of us and not just me. a nymph was watching the twins while we were at the meeting. When we got back we watched them, but Zoe wandered off when we weren't looking. I went looking for her.

When I figured out where she was I wondered what in Hades she was doing there. I pushed the doors to the Pegasus stables open, and when I walked inside I could clearly see what she was doing and I had to stifle my laughter. She was trying to braid Blackjack's mane.

I heard blackjack make a comment saying that I should keep better control over my children. I didn't respond because I was still trying not to laugh. Due to this blackjack was annoyed at both of us. I finally managed to get my amusement under control enough to scold Zoe.

After that, I took Zoe back inside our palace and led her to where Emily was playing. I walked over to Amber and she asked me where I had found Zoe, as I told her the story I started laughing again, she also started laughing. Despite our occasional disputes and incidents. I like to think that our relationship is quite good and that we are happy with how things have turned out.

I know that Amber and I have both remained loyal to each other. I know that my loyalties will never waver from her, and I'm pretty sure hers won't change either. I'm sure she never will, but if Amber did stray I would know since I'm the god of loyalty. Due to the fact that my loyalties won't change Luke will probably be the only demigod child, I will ever have.

While he certainly wasn't planned I don't regret his birth. For now, he is my only son, and I don't know if I could be more proud of him. while the last war was hard on him and I wish he didn't have to go through it I have done my best to help him deal with what he went through. I still visit him whenever I can, but I also make sure I am there for the twins. It's hard to believe how fast they are growing, I know that in a matter of months they will be grown up and they will get their domains. That's the downside to immortal children they don't stay young long.

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