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Percy's point of view

I was in my palace not doing anything important when Apollo and Hermes appeared in front of me, not bothering to knock like any normal polite person would.

"You know it's still polite to knock," I said in slight annoyance as I was wondering why they had suddenly come to see me since when they show up they usually have a reason, even if it's one I don't like. I had my suspicions about why they'd shown up but obviously, I couldn't be sure until they told me. Ignoring my comment about knocking they basically just confirmed my suspicions as they said, "Come on Cuz, quit moping and come with us for once,"

I knew what they were asking and I honestly wasn't interested. they'd asked me about going with them before and like I was planning to do once again, I refused. I knew where they were going and I wasn't interested. I knew they were talking about going out to a bar or a nightclub or whatever, drinking, and most likely going off with some woman for a one night stand. I wasn't interested in that though, I just wasn't that kind of guy.

I had never really moved on from Amber, and I would still find myself thinking about her quite often. not to mention that my loyalty wouldn't allow me to just go from one woman to another like most of the other gods do. I was pretty sure that even though I wasn't seeing Amber anymore I guessed that if I tried to be with someone else it would probably still feel like I was betraying Amber and whatever woman I tried to be with would be nothing more than a rebound.

I wasn't interested in going with Apolo and Hermes so I said," Sorry guys but my answer is still no, so you might as well keep going without me,"

It seemed like Apollo wasn't quite ready to take no for an answer since he asked me a rather personal question. "Have you ever had sex even once?"

I debated for a moment whether to tell them the truth or whether I would just say that it was none of their business. guessing that if I refused to tell them they might just assume I hadn't and would probably bug me even more. kind of annoyed at them I said, "Not that it's really any of your business but I have had sex before,"

"How long ago was it?" Apollo asked ignoring my obvious annoyance and making it seem like he might just try to drag me along no matter what I wanted.

still annoyed I admitted, "It's been a while," Obviously, I could have been more specific but I wasn't telling him anything else about my now basically non-existent sex life. Amber was my first time, and as it seemed at that moment, also my last since I wasn't really interested in meaningless sex with someone I didn't love, and even if I was my loyalty would make me feel like I was betraying Amber if I had sex with someone else even though Amber and I weren't technically together anymore.

Even admitting what I had seemed to make Apollo more eager to drag me along but eventually, Apollo gave up and like I'd been trying to get them to do all along they finally left without me. Once they were gone I decided that now was as good a time as any to check on Amber and Luke since I knew they would probably be home right now. Apollo and Hermes' questions had made me think of Amber especially but thoughts of her usually end up leading to thoughts of Luke sooner or later.

If Apollo and Hermes eventually try again I might have to go with them just to shut them up. They can be pretty annoying, and maybe if I go next time they might decide not to bother me again. I kind of doubt that but who knows, All I know is that I'm getting sick of arguing with them about it. If I do go along next time I might have a few drinks but that would be as far as I'd go. Like I already said I don't want to be with anyone else. Hopefully, Apollo wouldn't put the pieces together and realize that I also have a child. I didn't think I'd told him enough to help him figure that out since I'd told him as little as I could get away with. 

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