Sorrow and Loss

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Luke's Point of view

I can't believe she's gone, Christina, the half sister that I never really got a chance to know. I should have done something to save her but hadn't and now she's gone. Although I had never really paid attention to it before, the absence of her quiet breathing from the bed across from mine was so obvious last night. Now the shrouds of everyone who had fallen during yesterday's battle were going to be burned.

All of us gathered in the amphitheatre for the shroud burning. Chiron, Dionysus, and my father stood near the fire. Just before each shroud was placed on the fire Chiron, and one of the demigod's friends or siblings spoke about the fallen heroes. All of the fallen demigods were different in so many ways they had different parents, different personalities, but they all had one thing in common, they were all heroes. They had all died to keep the army out of camp. Some like Christina had died saving someone they cared about.

Some of us just had solemn looks on our faces while others were outright crying. When christina's shroud was burned Nathan spoke about her, it looked like he was fighting off tears as he spoke. It was obvious that after he finished what he had to say he finally let his tears fall. I knew that he had cared about Christina a lot, so her death was very hard on him.

As he and Chiron spoke about her my vision got blurry before I let my own tears fall. Even though I hadn't known Christina very long I thought of her as an older sister, and she had been helping me get used to being at camp. Through my own tears I could see my father struggle to hold back his own tears. As hard as he tried he lost the battle with his emotions, and I saw tears begin to fall down his face. I knew that Christina's death would be incredibly hard on him. He had taken her in when she needed help, and he had cared for her as his own even if technically she wasn't. it looked like Chiron was trying to comfort my father as best he could as the shroud burnings continued. One of the older campers came toward me and did the same.

I couldn't help but think that christina's death was my fault, if I had only done something she might not have died. When the shroud bunings came to an end The mood in the camp remained Solemn. Camp just wasn't quite the same without Christina there, but I knew that I would have to get used to her absence.


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