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Luke's point of view

I was in my cabin when both of my parents showed up. I actually jumped when they just randomly appeared in the room. "You're not used to this yet?" my dad asked jokingly.

He had a point, they visit fairly often so I should be used to it by now but it still startles me sometimes. I wondered why they were here, did they just come to visit or did they have some other reason? I tried to guess based on their expressions, but their expressions, especially my Dad's can be hard to read.

Despite that, I got the feeling that this was more than just a visit.

"So what's happened here since we saw you last?" My dad asked casually.

Despite the question I got the feeling that this conversation would start off casual, but it wouldn't stay that way. I answered, "Not much, I go through training, and spend time with my friends."

"What about Taylor," My dad says while smirking at me, "Something tells me she's a bit more than a friend."

There was nothing I could do about it, after his comment I felt myself blush.

"No she's just a friend," I argued lamely.

An amused smirk still on his face my dad said, "Your red face tells me otherwise."

I couldn't come up with a retort for that, which just amused my dad further.

He said, "We're fine with her by the way."

I didn't respond since I wasn't ready to admit that I had feelings for Taylor.

Much to my relief, my dad changed the subject, he said, "Luke we didn't come here just to see you, nor did we come here to tease you about your love life," My dad's smirk returned when he said that last part. He continued and said, "We came here because we have something important to tell you."

So I was right, I thought after his last statement.

"What is it?" I asked.

My dad said, "Luke, you are going to have siblings."

I was rather surprised, and I said, "Wait did you say siblings as in plural?"

My dad chuckled before saying, "Yes as in plural. Your mother will be having twins."

I was honestly shocked. I wasn't sure what to think. I realized that my new siblings would most likely be born immortal since my dad was a god, to begin with, and my mom was made a goddess before she married him. based on history I guessed they would probably be born as minor gods or goddesses, but since dad had modified the ancient laws I would probably be able to see them often enough.

I decided that I was happy to be getting siblings, sure they would never replace Christina the sister I had lost, but I thought It might still be nice to have siblings. I knew would probably never get any demigod siblings since I knew my parents would probably never cheat on each other. Immortal siblings would be fine with me as long as I could get along with them, and if they ended up being anything like me or my parents I would probably get along with them just fine.

Smiling I asked, "Do you know what they're going to be? Brothers? Sisters?"

"No, Apollo probably has some way for us to find out, but I think we've decided to wait to find out." My dad replied glancing at my mother for confirmation. My mom nodded in agreement. I shrugged it off, something told me that I wouldn't have to wait very long to find out since I'd heard that things were a bit different for goddesses.

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