The barista sighed. He's seen a lot of guys like him, asking for her phone number based on her looks. "I'm sorry but I'm not interested. Now, let me get you your cup of coffee—"

He grabbed her hand tightly and she yelped when he pulled her towards him. She heard Kaneki take a step and she stretched one hand behind her back, palm open to tell him to let her handle it. "I'm serious. I really like you and I want you to give me a chance!"

"Dear customer, if you don't let me go, I'll have to call the police for harassment."

Gripping her hand tighter, she winced at the force this guy had. He's tough for a human. "Why would you call the police? I'm just asking you out!"

Kaneki couldn't stand around and watch this happen. He walked towards them and Touka sighed when her husband grabbed the male's hand and wrenched it away from hers.

There he goes...

"What's with you? Let go of me!"

The white haired male smiled. "I would appreciate it if you didn't touch my wife so casually."

"Your wife?" He parroted. "She's not wearing a ring dude! Mind your damn business!"

Touka gulped. She knew Ken would give her shit for this later.

"Well then do you want me to shove our marriage registration up your ass? Oh wait I suppose that's a waste of paper and ink for someone like you. I suggest you pay for the coffee and take your leave quietly. I don't know what I'll do to you if you continued staying here." Kaneki closed his eyes and opened them a second later, showing his kakugan, a red pupil and black sclera.

The male's eyes widened and his voice shook as he talked. "D-Don't think I accept you even though you're accepted in society!"

"I don't care if you don't accept me. What I'm concerned about is you touching my wife. Swear that you'll never touch her or even lay eyes on her again." His voice hardened.

"Who would—" He yelled in pain as the ghoul squeezed his arm. Using every ounce of strength he had in him, he pulled away from the white haired male's grip. He reached his pocket for 600 yen and slammed it onto the table. Brisk-walking to the door, he shot the ghoul a glare. "I won't let you off for this!"

The door slammed close. Kaneki smirked. Says the guy who ran away with his tail between his legs. Touka smacked the back of his head and he rubbed it, letting out a groan. She tugged him towards the break room and instructed Ayato to take care of the shop for a while before closing the door behind them.

He stared down at his wife who had her hands on her hips and was tapping her foot on the floor.  Her face showed anger and he gave a nervous smile. "D-Did I go overboard?"

"What do you think?" Came her sarcastic reply.

"..yes?" He said quietly.

"Of course!" She stomped a foot on the floor and he flinched. "I told you not to interfere and you just had to, even going as far as to threaten him! You drove away one of my customers! More importantly, you do know what happens if you break the ccg's rule right?"

The ccg passed a rule that ghouls were not allowed to threaten the humans verbally or physically; either using their kakugans or kagune. Depending on the severity of the threat, the ghoul may be subjected to a warning, fines, jailed up to a few years or even execution. This rule has been in place for a year already and the ccg is serious about it.

He could hear the worry in her voice. Pulling her into his arms, he pressed a kiss to her forehead and she rested her head on his chest. "I'm sorry... I'm sure Marude-San will let me off with just a warning."

Kaneki x Touka [Touken] One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now