As I walk back into the house my head is pounding from all of the strong liquor that I drank last night.

"Do you have any pain killers?" I question Liam.

"Yeah there in the top draw in the kitchen." Liam replies.

I make my way into the kitchen and pull open the draw to get the tablets. As I gulp one down after the other I make my way back into the lounge where Liam, Niall, Zayn and Louis are sitting. 

"Is anyone up to going for a Costa?" I offer. I have to find out who this James is.

I know it might sound weird but as much as Mia annoys the hell out of me, I seem to be attracted to her. I feel the need to protect her even though I do the complete opposite widening her up and shit.

"No." Most of them moan.

"I'll come." Niall pops up.

"Come on let's go." I stand grabbing a clean T-shirt of the radiator.

I slip the T-shirt over my head and we make our way out of the door.

"Harry I think we best go in my car." Niall throws his keys high into the air before catching them again.

"Why?" I question.

"Well after how much you drank last night, I don't think you are fit to drive." Niall says. It's true last night I got so smashed for no particular reason just for the fun of it. I like the feeling because all your troubles seem to disappear into thin air.

"Yeah you have a point." I give in to let Niall drive.


I'm now sitting in Costa with James. It has been quite a nice day so far, we have just chilled out and had a chat. I love the fact that I can relax with James, he is so peaceful and doesn't have a care in the world about anything.

"So are you looking forward to work on the weekend." James talks.

"Yeah it's always entertaining." I smile.

"We do have a laugh together." He smiles back.

"Yeah that is true, we do." I agree.

I pick my cup of hot chocolate up to take a sip out off as I notice the coffee shop door open.

"For fuck sake! What is he doing here?" I lean back in my seat sighing as Harry makes his way through the door.

"Who?" James turns to look.

"Harry." I shake my head.

"Wait is he the Harry who was drunk last weekend?" James notices him straight away.

"Yes shamefully it is." I nod trying not to be noticed by Harry.

"Do you know him?" James asks.

"Yes he is now my neighbour from hell." I take another sip of my hot chocolate.

"Why is that?" He asks.

"He parties all night, has roaring music and is really cocky. But now he has a job in my office so I don't only have to live next door to him, I also have to bloody work with him." I groan.

"I'm sure it's not that bad." James laughs.

"Try being me and then tell me how bad it actually is." I laugh.

"You should move out, you're old enough."

"Yeah where too? on the streets, in a bin? I have nowhere." I shrug.

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