Me: Whatever! I'll talk to her for you. Goodnight!

Grayson: Goodnight.

I reached over, and put my phone down on the bedside table. I curled up into Ethan's chest, and my eyes slowly drifted closed.                                                                                                                                         ~<3~

Beep! Beep! Beep!

I slowly opened my eyes, and squinted around me, as I looked for my phone. I finally found it, and grabbed it off of the bedside table. I quickly turned off the blaring alarm. I set my alarm a little earlier then normal since I'm further away from the school.

"What time is it?" Ethan asked, as he shifted around on the bed.

"5:45." I said, as I threw the blanket off of me.

I got off of the bed, and totally forgot that I was naked until I heard Ethan whistling at me.

"Stop!" I whined, as I rushed to my suitcase, and dragged it to the bathroom with me.

I laid the suitcase flat on the ground, and pulled out a bra and panty set. I quickly put it on, and grabbed a floral shirt I had, and matched it with a pair of black skinny jeans. I put them on, and stood completely up to look in the mirror. I noticed multiple hickey's down my neck, and when I pulled my shirt down a little bit more, I noticed that it also went down to the top of my breasts.

"Ethan!" I yelled. "You turd!" I yelled again, as I grabbed my makeup bag out of the suitcase.

"What? What did I do?" Ethan asked, as he opened the bathroom door. He was only wearing a pair of Adidas joggers.

"This. This is what you did!" I exclaimed, as I pointed at all of the hickey's.

"Awe, don't be so mad, babe. That's one of the way's I'm showing you my love." He said, as he looked at me through the mirror.

"Yeah, well I can't go to school with this on my neck." I said laughing, as I started to cover it up with some makeup.

"Why not? It shows everyone that you're taken. That you're mine." Ethan said, as he kissed my cheek.

I smiled, as I finished covering them up. I walked out of the bathroom, and checked the time. It was six o'clock. I grabbed my school backpack from the corner of the room, and started removing the stuff I didn't need for the day.

"What time are you heading out?" Ethan asked, as he came out of the bathroom.

"6:30." I said, as I zipped up my backpack, and went back into the bathroom.

I brushed my knotted hair, and then decided to nicely French braid it to the side. I grabbed a tube of mascara out of my makeup bag, and I put a layer on my lashes. I was finally done getting ready, so I decided to kill the rest of the time by going on my phone. I sat down on the bed, and unlocked my phone.

"Hey, is it okay if I drive you to school, because I want to use it while you're in school, so I'm not bored out of my mind here." Ethan said, as he sat next to me on the bed.

"Yeah, sure, but you'll have to pick me up." I said smiling, as I poked at his abs.

"That is no problem." He said laughing, as he pushed my hand away.

I nodded my head, and opened the Twitter app. I had twenty plus DM's, and over a hundred notifications. I clicked on my DM's, and decided to read a few of them. I decided to block all the people that sent me hateful things, and I followed and responded back to the people who said kind things. I couldn't help, but smile when I came across a DM from @ skythan. It read:

Hi Sky, my name is Kyla, and I am a huge fan of Skythan. You guys are the cutest couple ever, and you guys need to start posting pictures of you guys together!! Anyway, I'm happy Ethan announced you to us. It means he REALLY loves you. And I know you've been getting a lot of hate recently, because you're dating Ethan, but don't let them get to you. They're just mad that you got to him first, and they're obviously not real fans if they don't support Ethan's decision. Don't let the haters get to you girl! You are beautiful! I love you so much!

A happy tear slid down my cheek, and I knew I had to reply, so I did.

Hey Kyla, you have no idea how much that meant to me. I'm literally crying at how nice you are to me and the twins. I just wanted to say thank you so much! And I will definitely be mentioning this to Ethan! I love you too! <3

I sent the message, and locked my phone. I got up from the bed, and reached over to grab a tissue.

"Are you crying?" Ethan asked, as he pulled me back to the bed, as I wiped my eyes.

I laughed. "I can't help it! That girl was too nice." I said, as I leaned my head against his shoulder.

Ethan pulled out his phone, and handed it to me. 

"Could you look up her username for me?" He asked.

I took his phone, and looked up Kyla's username. I found it, and clicked on her profile.

"Here." I said, as I handed the phone back to Ethan.

I watched as he followed her, and scrolled through her profile, liking a few tweets. 

"You ready to go?" Ethan asked, as he stood up.

"I guess." I said, as I got off the bed, and grabbed my backpack.

I slipped on my black Converse, and put my backpack on. 

"Your keys." Ethan said, as he held his hand out towards me.

"They're in the small pocket of my backpack." I said, as I turned around.

He unzipped my backpack, and pulled the keys out.

"Let's go." He said.

"Wait did you zip it?" I asked turning around to face him.

"Of course, baby." Ethan said, as he kissed my forehead.

I smiled, at him. "Where is your shirt?" I asked.

"Don't need one." He said, as he grabbed me by my waist, and pulled me out of the room.



Next update should be on Friday or Saturday. Also school starts next Wednesday for me, so updates might get slow by then, but they will not be as slow as before. I promise. Also, do you mind voting for this chapter, and the other's if you haven't already. It's a good motivation for me. :) Thanks for reading by the way.

Does He Really Love Me? [E.D]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ