Dolan Twin Fandom

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I literally can't deal with the fandom right now. Today's Dolan Twin video: Busting Twin Myths, sent some people in the fandom to go off, all because they wanted to see if they had the same taste in girls. It's not the twins fault. It's the fandom. It's almost as if the fandom lost their damn minds! (Excuse my language) The fact that some people had the audacity to attack Alexis Ren and Nicki Minaj with hateful comments is ridiculous! The Twins are aloud to fxcking like girls! They're humans too! They can go and date whoever they want, and we can't and won't tell them no! If you guys don't accept Grayson and Ethan dating, then I suggest that you leave this fandom, because we are here to support the twins and their choices! Not attack the girls they talk about or have crushes on. You guys should honestly be ashamed of yourselves. Alexis and Nicki don't deserve to be attacked by our fandom. If anything WE SHOULD BE SUPPORTING THE CRAP OUT OF ETHAN AND GRAYSON! We should be saying "I'm so happy that you guys might have found the one!" I'm not trying to piss anybody off, but the fandom is making a fool of themselves, and I just wanted people to know that, so they will change their damn behavior.
                                With much love, 
                                                     Kyra S.

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