Ooh, better hurry.

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"Are you sure Jay can't get in here?" Iris asked as we followed her into the time vault.

"Pretty sure, but just in case." Harry said handing Joe a speed rifle.
"How do you use this?" Joe asked, looking at the gun.

"All right, so you aim it, and then you pull the trigger." Harry said matter of factly.
"Smart ass." Joe replied.

"Barry and Cisco are in position." Iris said looking at the tablet in her hands.
"Let's hope this thing works." Caitlin said.

"Zoom's gaining on Barry." I stated.
"He can't catch him." Joe said rooting for his son.
"He better not." Harry said watching the screen.

"That was close." Joe noticed as Barry kicked it up.

"Too close." Iris said.

"The tachyon device is working." Caitlin commented.
"Here they come." Harry said as he and Joe moved in front of Iris, Caitlin and I.

In the event everything went to Hell, I was to get Caitlin and Iris out of there before Zoom could hurt them.

"They're here." Iris warned us.

The Flash and Zoom raced all around STAR Labs.

"Get him Barry." Joe said.

"It's working." I smiled.

Barry hit Zoom with the Boot, but Zoom broke free a couple of minutes later.

Barry had lost Zoom.

Everyone called it a night, until Barry told us all to get to Joe's place. Zoom had taken Wally, and wouldn't return him unless Barry gave up his speed.
"What if we could stop Zoom through a vibe somehow? We could weaponize the goggles.." Cisco began to brainstorm.
"There's not enough time to weaponize Ramon." Harry shot him down.
"Okay, what if we modify the pulse rifle to emit a low-level EMF?" Cait asked.
"We don't have the equipment to modify the pulse rifles now." Harry said.
"Then we do another snatch and grab mission." I stated.

"By the time we scale those cliffs, Zoom could already – " Harry said, but Joe cut him off.
"I need a minute." Joe yelled before heading upstairs.

"The only way is to hand over your speed Bartholomew." Latency said from the stairs. Barry didn't even seem to hear her.  He went upstairs and tried to talk to Joe.

"What are you doing here?" I hissed at her.

"Wallace is very bright. He catches on 'fast'. I don't want to see my favorite West killed so soon." Latency said.

"And how would you know?" Harry asked

"I'm literally from the future Harrison. I know a few things." She replied.

"Why are you here?" Iris asked again.
Latency looked from Harry to Iris very quickly.

"Moving on from Eddie so soon?" she asked, causing Iris to shut up.
"What do you want you cold hearted bitch?" Cisco asked.
"Ouch. Is that any way to talk to a friend?" Latency asked turning around to look at Cisco.

"Oh, better hurry. Wally won't last forever." She said.

Barry decided to give up his speed for Wally. We went back to STAR Labs to contact Zoom.

"Barry are you sure?" Cisco asked.
"I'm sure." Barry replied, holding Jay's helmet.

"I mean, we don't even know if he'll be able to hear me." Cisco said.
"He'll hear you." Latency said.

Barry handed Cisco the helmet and waited for him to vibe.

"I see him. Wally's alive." Cisco said.
"Good. Thank God." Joe exhaled.

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