Merry Little Christmas

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Back inside STAR Labs, I was cleaning Dr. Wells' wounds while Cait and Cisco went over the data.

"I've been going over the data. I don't know why the containment system failed. I must have missed something. I'm sorry." Cisco apologized.

"It's not your fault, Cisco. But if you all feel a need to apologize for something you might start with not telling me that Ronnie is still alive." Dr. Wells said, looking at Caitlin.

"I asked Cisco and Anna not to say anything. Once I saw what Ronnie had become, I needed... I needed time to see if I could make him whole again. I'm sorry. I know you're mad." Caitlin apologized.

"No. I don't know what I would have done differently in your situation." Dr. Wells said, looking at me. I looked up from his arm, and stared at his blue eyes.

" I know I have made you a lot of promises. I know I've not been able to keep them all. But on my life, I promise you this:  We will bring Ronnie home." Dr.Wells promised Caitlin. Cait smiled.

Caitlin, Cisco and I went to Joe's place.

"Hey!" Joe said as he entered the house.
"Hey!" we smiled.

"What are you guys doing here?" Barry asked.

"I invited them. Where's Dr. Wells?" Joe asked, taking off his coat.

"Uh, he wasn't up for a social gathering... but he appreciated the invitation." I said.

"Eggnog?" Caitlin asked.

"Yes." Joe said.

Cisco, Joe, Caitlin and I went into the kitchen for some eggnog.

" A day like today, Grandma Esther's eggnog seems a little light on the bourbon." Joe said, taking a sip.

Cisco and I smiled.

"Hey, Joe." Cisco said.

"Hmm?" Joe hummed.

"I saw something weird tonight." Cisco said.
"Yeah, Cisco, I saw it too.

"No, I mean.. when the Flash and the man in yellow were going bumper cars on each other. I was watching the electricity coming off of them. Yellow and red electricity." Cisco said.

"When Barry was a kid he said he saw red and yellow lightning in his house the night his mother died." I pointed out.

"There were two of them." Joe said.

"The man in yellow may have killed Barry's mother... but there was another speedster there that night." Cisco said.
"Dad! It's time!" Iris called from the living room.

Cisco, Joe and I walked back into the living room.

Joe topped the tree, and turned on the light

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Joe topped the tree, and turned on the light. We all laughed.

While we were mingling and sharing gifts with everyone, I pulled Iris aside.

"Hey, I wanted to apologize for acting weird for the past few weeks." I apologized.

"Oh Anna. It's okay. I know this is a hard time for you, because of your parents and all." Iris said, reassuring me.

I smiled at her and squeezed her hand. We sat back down in the living room.

We exchanged gifts and laughs with everyone. Joe left Barry and I sleep over, since it was a Christmas tradition for our little family.

The next morning, I woke up to someone knocking on the front door.  I went downstairs, and answered the door.

"Are you Anna Dumas?" asked a young boy holding a blue envelop.

"I am." I said.

"Here you go Miss." He said, handing me the envelop. I grabbed it from him, and he took off running.

I watched as he ran down the street, then out of sight. I looked down at the blue envelope and flipped it over.

My name was scrawled across the top in fancy writing. I could only guess who it came from.

I ripped open the envelope and pulled out the letter.

Merry Christmas, Anna. I'll be in touch with you. See you soon. – Leonard Snart.

I folded the letter and stuffed it back in the envelope. I put the envelope in my coat pocket, and reminded myself to not let Barry see it.

Later at the station, Eddie was still having a hard time comprehending what had happened last night. I walked by, and tried to avoid his gaze.

"He called you Anomaly. Are you that metahuman?" he asked.

"Me? A meta- who? Eddie, I think you misheard the man in yellow. He called me Anna, not Anomaly." I said, trying to play it off.

"No. He called you Anomaly, I heard him Anna." Eddie said sternly.

"I'm not that metahuman. Never call me that." I snapped at him, then walked away towards me office.

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