Likes of Me

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I felt like I was Alice when she falls through the rabbit hole she finds after running into the woods after a rabbit with a pocket watch.

Except I was literally falling through the Speed Force. Dozens of images were flying by at incomprehensible speeds. A couple dozens images of Barry being in prison registered in my mind. Supergirl was trapped in a coma, Wally and Jesse had super speed like Barry. New people had joined the Legends.

One image that chilled me was a picture of Laurel's grave.

I continued to fall for what seemed like hours. I was beginning to believe that I was lost through time until I crash landed on the ground. It just appeared out of no where.

"Sorry about the abrupt landing." Apologized a very familiar voice.

I groaned loudly as I rolled over and got to my knees.
Laurel stood in front of me with a wide smile.
"Laurel?" I asked as I struggled to my feet.

"Unfortunately no. We thought it would be better to see a familiar face." Said Not-Laurel.

I gave her a puzzled look.
"We're the Speed Force." Laurel said.

"You're the Speed Force?" I asked hesitantly.

"We don't have long to talk. We need to get back to Barry Allen soon." Laurel said with a smile.

"Well go. I'm not important, please go help Barry." I dismissed her as I brushed off my suit's pants.

"You are just as important as Barry Allen." Laurel scolded me.

I took the opportunity to look around where I had landed.

I was inside the dark green house that Latency and I visited when we went back to the original timeline. We were in the foyer of the little house. And that single yellow canary was still in its cage.

I spun around in a circle, taking in the house. A wave of nostalgia washed over me.

"What am I doing here?" I asked as I turned to look back at Laurel.

However another familiar face greeted me.
"Eobard?" I asked.

He shook his head.

"Speed Force. Right." I said as smacked my lips together.

It took me a minute to get used to seeing his face again. I missed him greatly. The last time I saw him was when he tried to murder Christina McGee at Mercury Labs – at least I think that's the last time I saw him.

"You need to listen to me Anna." Eobard said.

I shut my open mouth and looked directly at Eobard.

"When Harrison Wells from Earth-2 hit you and Barry with the recreated particle accelerator explosion, some of your atoms were altered." Eobard said as he sat down on the stairs.

I went to open my mouth but the tiny yellow canary began to squawk and bang around inside his cage. I looked back at the bird and saw this young girl with pitch-black hair and pale skin. What threw me for a loop were her blood red eyes. I jumped in surprise and nearly lost my footing.

When I regained my balance, the girl was gone.

"Who the hell was that?" I gasped as I whipped my head to look back at the Speed Force.

"That was Nora Darhk, Damien Darhk's daughter." Eobard said.

"Darhk has a daughter?" I asked in shock.

Eobard – the Speed Force – was quiet for a second, letting me catch my breath. I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, then looked at Eobard.
"What did you mean my atoms were altered?" I asked as his previous statement sunk in.

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