Black Bird Fly

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Dig had just arrived at the Arrow Cave. He had just spoken with his brother and now he was here filling Team Arrow in on how Malcolm Merlyn wanted to break Damien Darkh out of Iron Heights.

"First kidnapping then stealing missiles. Merlyn's trying really hard to be friends with Darhk. " Laurel said as she paced around the small section of the Arrow Cave.

"Malcolm's convinced Darhk is on the winning side. He's even trying to protect me from whatever he's planning." Thea said.

"The only thing Darhk should be planning on is getting convicted at trial." Oliver said looking at some kind of ancient mask thing.

"Why dies that thing creep me out they way it does?" I asked.

"Because it's creepy." Laurel replied.

"There's something that I haven't told you guys." Oliver said almost immediately after Laurel stopped.
"Shocker." Thea commented. Oliver gave her a look. "Sorry."

"I've seen this idol before." Oliver said.
I Had no clue what they were talking about, but I wasn't about to go back in time to figure it out.

"What? Where?" Laurel asked.
"Lian Yu." Oliver replied.

"You really love not talking about that place, don't you?" Laurel asked – not sounding like herself.

"Where are we with the security upgrades?" Ollie asked.

"Everything's in place. We're good to go." Dig said.
"Because Merlyn knows the Bunker's location. If he's working with Darhk –"

"Then that means we have to worry about him coming down here and stealing this creepy stone thingy." Thea cut him off.

"And what about his plan to hijack the missile shipment?" Laurel asked.

"Oliver, I think we keep Andy right where he is. That was we have someone on the inside." Dig said.
"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Ollie asked.
"Well he's out from under the influence of Darhk. We can trust him."

"Trust is one thing. Installing him as a double agent, that's another. That's a lot of pressure to put on someone, especially someone that is still in recovery." Oliver told Dig.
"Oliver, Andy is a standup guy. He's got this."

Thea's phone buzzed, signaling a message.

"And you've got this." Thea said showing a message.
Ruve Darhk Acceptance Speech.

"You could blow that off. You don't owe Ruve Darhk anything." Laurel said.

"Tradition. Loser attends the winner's acceptance speech." Oliver said.

"You didn't lose. You pulled out of the race because of her husband." I said.

"Which I will try not to mention to the press. Let's get this over with." Oliver grumbled as he left the Arrow Cave.

"We worked hard to get to this moment, but now the real work begins to make this city great again. Thank you." Mrs. Darhk preached.

"Mr. Queen, have time to answer a few questions?" asked a reporter from off to my right.

"I'm not a candidate anymore. I'm just here to show my support for the new mayor." Ollie said, trying not to be bitter.
"So no comment on the write-in results?" asked the reporter.
"UH, what write-in results?" Thea asked.
"48% of the electorate wrote in your brother's name on their ballots. That's a historic showing for a candidate who pulled out of the race. I'll let you and your former opponent catch up." The reporter said before scurrying off.

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