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"Sorry. Is this a bad time?" Thea asked, walking into Felicity's office at Palmer Tech, which I hadn't been to since it used to be Queen Consolidated.
"You people are like tribbles today. What's up? Everything ok with –" Felicity began but her mother cut her off.
"Oliver?" asked Donna Smoak.
"I was gonna say your night job, you know that thing that you do at night." Felicity elaborated.
"Yeah, no. That's - that's fine. Ollie is- is fine too. It's actually about Alex. Um, he's no longer working on the campaign, so I was..." Thea spoke but was interrupted by Felicity's phone ringing.

"Oh, my god. It's Mr. Dennis. I have a board meeting. You know what? He's a jerk. He can wait. What'd you want to ask me about Alex?" Felicity asked as I got comfortable on one of the couches in her office.
Donna sat down as well and began to check her make up.

I pulled out my cell phone and text Harry, making sure they didn't need me back in Central City right away.

Harry promised me that everything was under control. But i had to say, it was funny picturing Harry trying to text me.

"I can talk to Alex, but I can't promise that a job will be exciting. It's probably best to keep him away from a super villain's wife." Felicity said after Thea explained her favor.
"Yep. You're right about that." Thea said.
A woman appeared on my phone screen, scaring me.

"Hello out there." Said the blonde Barbie.
"What the hell?" I asked as I walked over to Felicity's desk.

"I am looking for Felicity Smoak 'beecause' it would be swell if we could chat about a certain implantable biochip. I'm sure your board would really appreciate it."she spoke, before the screen went dark.
"Brie Larvan!" Felicity growled.

"You know this whack-adoodle?" Donna asked.
"I had a run-in with her last year." Felicity said.
"I hate bees." I said, shuddering at the thought of being stung again by one of Larvan's killer bugs.

"If this Brie Larvan's coming after you then we need to get you out of here." Donna said.
"No, no, no. I don't think she knew who I was. She's after something else." Felicity said.
"She said something about an implant." Thea said.
"A biostimulant microchip. There's only one working prototype." Felicity said.
"Where is it?" I asked.
"In the base of my spine." Felicity said.

"Which brings me back to ' we need to get you the hell out of here." Donna repeated.
"Well, we have to get everyone out of here!" Felicity shot back.
"I can't even get a signal." Thea said as she tried to call Oliver.
"She's jammed all communications." Felicity said.

"Oh my god." Donna gasped as she gazed out the window.

Millions of bees swarmed outside the Palmer Tech building. I tried to jump but nothing happened.

"I am running out of patience, Felicity Smoak. You have 10 minutes before I start voting board members out. FYI, my drones back a lot more 'ow' than your typical sting." Brie said.
"Does anyone have an Epi pen?" I asked.

"Tick tock. Tick tock." Brie said before the phone went dark.

"Ok. We need to get out of here." Thea said.
"But, Thea, the bees are out there." Donna said.
"Yeah, and sooner or later, they're gonna be in here." I said.
"Okay. From now on, I'm buying flats. I mean these assaults are weekly." Donna said as she took off her heels. "It's ridiculous."
I peeled off my slip on sneakers and passed them to Donna.

Thea went to look for a way out, but came rushing back.
"Okay. Definitely sooner than later." She said as she closed a glass door.
"What? We're trapped?" Donna asked.
"Uh, I don't know." Thea admitted.

Felicity opened a vent.
"Not exactly." Felicity said, thanks to her quick thinking.
"Ok. Oh, no. I definitely don't have the right shoes for that. Oh, no, no, no." Donna squeaked.

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