Hell of a Catch

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"Hey, so I've been thinking. You've been working around the clock. Maybe you want to get some rest, go home. You know a good nights sleep wouldn't be the worst thing in the world." Cisco said as he walked over to Caitlin, who sat at the main console.

"I'm fine." Caitlin replied.
"Look, I get it. You're having a hard time with what happened. It's a lot to take so soon after..." Cisco said, but Caitlin cut him off.

"I said I'm fine." Caitlin snapped.

Caitlin stormed off into the med bay, just as Barry came into the Cortex.
"Hey." Barry said as he saw both of us.
"Did you hear that?" Cisco asked.

"No, what?" Barry asked.

"Caitlin just bit my head off. She's been all business, no emotion lately. She's been ... cold" Cisco said.
"Cold? Come on Cisco." I said.

"This could be the beginning of her becoming evil. You're not worried about that?" Cisco asked.
"I'm not worried about that. Caitlin's not gonna become Killer Frost. You haven't mentioned anything about Earth-2 have you?" Barry asked.

"No, cause I know how to keep a secret." Cisco said.
"All right, well, look I mean it's gonna take some time for her to heal. We just got to be there for her, keep her busy." Barry said.

"That shouldn't be a problem." John Diggle said as he and Lyla entered the Cortex.

"Oh." Barry said.
"Hey, Dig, Lyla. What are you guys doing here?" Barry asked.

"We came here to give you the head's up, Barry." Diggle said.
"Ominous." I whispered to Cisco.
"About what?" Barry asked hesitantly.

"A metahuman who escaped from ARGUS custody, goes by the name King Shark." Lyla said.
"King Shark? You mean the half man half shark that tried to kill you and Anna months ago. I thought he was dead." Cisco said.

"That's what ARGUS wanted you to believe when they snatched him up, but believe me, this half shark is very much alive. And his biological imperative is telling him to do one thing." Dig said.
"That's kill you two." Dig said looking at Barry and I.

Barry scoffed.

"We're gonna need a bigger Flash." Cisco said starring at Barry.

I sighed heavily.

We called everyone into the Cortex.

"So how do you know about King Shark?" I asked.

"Well as the new Director of ARGUS, Lyla's job is to clean up Amanda Waller's messes. King Shark was one of the bigger and weirder ones." Dig said.
"And it appears under her directives, ARGUS had been monitoring metahuman activity for the past two years." Lyla said.

"Why?" Caitlin asked.

"Well, to see if any of those powers could be exploited." Dig said .
"Weaponized." Harry said.

"How do you know that he's coming after us?" Barry asked.

"While in our custody, he kept saying the same thing. Zoom wants the Flash dead. Anomaly too. And although he removed the tracker we had in him, the readings we did receive show that he was headed towards Central City." Lyla said.

"Let him come." I stated.

"This thing is a killing machine. WE just came here to warn you. Let ARGUS handle it." Dig suggested.

"Nah, I can't do that Dig." Barry said.

"I'm sorry, but all year we been sitting ducks for Zoom and his Earth-2 henchmen. This is the last one. I'm not gonna just wait around for him to attack. I'm going after him first. I owe that to Jay. Wells, he's from your Earth. What do you know about him?" Barry asked.

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