At Best? 36 hours

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A few days later, Cisco called everyone into STAR Labs.

"I kept asking myself, why would Wells pretend to need a wheelchair?" Cisco asked, spinning the chair around.
"Sympathy." Caitlin offered.
"That's what I thought at first. But he's the Man in Yellow, the reverse Flash. He's much smarter than that. Sympathy can't be the only reason." Cisco continued.
"Yeah, it's a misdirect. Like everything else Wells has done. I mean the last person we'd suspect to be the man in yellow is someone who lost the use of their legs." Joe stated.
"That's exactly right, Joe. Which is why I started messing around with the wheelchair." Cisco explained, going on to mess with the wheelchair.

"And that's when I found this." Cisco said tipping the chair over. He opened a hatch which revealed a tech object of some kind. I dealt with physics not electronics.
"Damn. You can't get that at RadioShack." Joe said, making Cisco laugh. I know I would have too, but I was still upset that Lawton wouldn't let me save him.

"It looks like the tech inside Gideon." Barry commented.
"I measured the output, and this thing is kicking off serious juice. I mean, we're talking enough to power all of Central City." Cisco said.
"Seriously?" I asked, that fact gaining my attention.
"Oh, yeah." Cisco confirmed.
"What do you think Wells was using it for?" Barry asked.

" I think this thing is some kind of battery." Cisco proposed.
"Battery?" Joe and I questioned.
"As in Wells using it to power himself. To gain more speed. And that's why he's so much faster than you." Cisco said, then took a sip of his drink.

The computer started to beep rapidly. Cisco and Caitlin ran over to the main console and looked at the alarm.
"The accelerator, it's been reactivated." Cisco said.

"It can't be." Caitlin said.

"How is that possible? It blew up." Joe stated.
"It had to have been rebuilt." Cisco said.
"Wells." Barry stated.
"Even if he did rebuild it, how did Dr. Wells turn the particle accelerator on?" Caitlin asked.

It took us all a fraction of a second to realize that he was in STAR Labs.
"He's here." Barry stated.

"That's why we couldn't find hi. He's been inside STAR Labs the whole time." Barry said. He looked at Joe, who drew his gun to go after him.
"Stay here." Cisco told Caitlin as we all went down to the pipeline.

We cautiously walked down the hallways, and into the pipeline.
"Cisco, what'd you bring the orange soda for?" Joe asked.

"Whenever something happens with the Reverse Flash, liquid floats in the air. You know, Barry's fish tank, Well's champagne, Lance's coffee. Remember that? If this does the same thing, we'll know that Wells is in there." Cisco said as we got to the breach door.
"Do it." Barry said after we stopped.

Cisco opened the door, and we stepped inside. Nothing seemed off.

"Man. This is big." Joe said in awe.

"Oh, God." Cisco breathed causing me to look back at him. The soda was floating.
"Guys." Cisco said, before the Reverse Flash rushed by us. Suddenly Barry took off running.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. What do we do now?" Cisco questioned. Suddenly the pods began to move.
"Prisoner Release Protocol Initiated." Said a computerized voice.

"Oh, no, no, no, no." Cisco said.

The door of the pod opened, and the meta known as Peek-a-boo teleported. She appeared behind Joe and tried to steal his gun. She got the upper hand, and kicked Joe and Cisco down to the floor of the pipeline. She kicked me off the bridge as well, then shot the electrical box, and closed the door behind me. I thought of Caitlin as I smacked against the floor.

Caitlin and Iris came down to the pipeline and opened the door for us. We managed to get Peek-a-boo back into her containment cell.

I heard someone yelling from underground.
"Do you heard that?" I asked/
"I check all the containment cells. Everyone's accounted for." Caitlin said.
"No, no. Listen." Joe said

"Help!" called someone

"Down here!" yelled the voice. Joe looked at me, and nodded. I flashed down to the person.

"Eddie!" I exclaimed when I saw him. Joe got down here a minute later.

"Eddie. I got you." Joe said cutting Eddie free.

"Oh Eddie. Are you okay?" Iris asked.
"Let's just get him out of here. Come on." Joe said, picking Eddie up and helping him walk.

I helped him up the ladder and up to the med bay. Caitlin ran every single test on him, just to be safe.

"Your vitals are normal, but you're just a little dehydrated. The IV should help with that, but drink some fluids and stay off your feet. Okay Eddie?" Caitlin advised

"Thanks Caitlin." Eddie replied with a smile.
Barry ran into the Cortex.
"Wells got away. Ahh. He was too fast. He's always too fast. Eddie." Barry said.
"We found him under that hatch in the pipeline." Cisco said.
"I'm so sorry. I thought I looked everywhere for you." Barry apologized.

"It's not your fault. Sometimes you just can't see the clues, even if they're right in front of you." Eddie said, looking at Iris in the end.
"Um, well, you know, all that's important is that we're all safe and back together, right?" Iris asked.

"Eddie, why'd he take you?" Joe asked

"I don't know. He said that we're family. Said his real name is -." Eddie said, but I cut him off.
"Eobard Thawne." I said.
"Eobard Thawne. It's just like in my dream." Cisco said.
"He's my childhood best friend." I admitted. Cisco and Barry looked at me.
"Did he say anything else? I mean anything that could help us figure out what he's really after?" Joe asked.
"He didn't say much. Just kept working on some tube." Eddie said.
"A tube? What did it look like?" Cisco asked.

"Metallic and futuristic. He said it was the key to him getting back everything that was taken from him." Eddie said.
"The key? I don't understand. What?" barry asked.

"I don't know. Look, I just wanna go home. Is that okay?" Eddie asked, getting off the table.
"Yes. Of course." Caitlin replied taking out the IV.

"I'll make sure he gets some rest." Iris said, as she held him up.

"Anna? Thank you." Eddie said, then hobbled home.
"What do you think Wells was talking about? I mean..." Barry trailed as the computer continued to beep.
"Oh, no, no, no." Cisco said, running down to the pipeline.
"What?" I called after him.

"What now?" Barry asked.

Cisco video chatted with us while looking around the pipeline.

"So Eobard Thawne is your bff?" Cisco asked,
"Was, until he proposed and Barry whisked me away." I said.
"He proposed? You were 10 when we met." Barry stated.
"Eobard proposed to me when I was 9, then I came to live in Starling City, then Central City 5 months later." I told him.
"Did you say yes?" Caitlin asked.

"I didn't get the chance to answer." I told her.
"Oh." Joe said awkwardly.

"Do you see this? That's the tube Eddie was talking about. It's some sort of future power source. That's what's charging up the accelerator." Cisco said.

"That's a Fractal Power supply." I stated.

"A what?" Joe asked.
"When I lived in 2147 the city I lived in used a Fractal power supply. They looked just like that. I made one for my third grade physics fair." I explained.

"Can you shut it down?" Barry asked.

"Do you see a power button anywhere on this thing?" Cisco asked.

"Dude, this thing is from the future. It's beyond me. I press or touch or cut the wrong thing... I could bring the whole building down." Cisco said.
"Anna?" Barry asked.
"No sorry." I apologized.

"Okay, how long until it's fully functional?" Iasked.
"Best I can tell, 36 hours?" Cisco guessed.
"That's when Wells will be back." Barry said.
"Why would Wells want the particle accelerator to work again?" Joe asked.
"I don't know. It's not like it was a success the first time." Cisco said.
"It made me the Flash. And Anna Anomaly." Barry said.
"That's not all it did." Caitlin said.

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