Im allergic to bees.

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Dr. Wells watched as they left. I watched him, while Cisco and Ray geeked out over the Atom suit.

"Dr. Wells?" I asked, trying to draw his attention from them.

"Hmm?" He asked.
"You looked a little lost." I said, in a flirty way. I had to keep the appearance that I liked him up, so he wouldn't suspect anything.

Cisco and Ray went down to the basement and began to assess the Atom suit. Caitlin, Wells and I stayed in the Cortex.

We got a ping that the killer bees were at it again.

"Killer bees are at it again." Caitlin said.

"Get ahold of Barry." Wells said as I moved to the bee attack.

Barry and I arrived too late.

"We're too late." Barry said as he looked at the body.

"Where are the bees?" Cisco questioned.

"I don't know. There's no sign of them." I said, looking around the room. I heard buzzing coming from the direction of the body. A single bee flew out of the man's mouth, then a swarm followed.

"I found them." Barry said before running off with the bees following after him.

"Uh, how do I get out of here?" Barry asked. I kept jumping around the office building floor, trying to get away from the bees.

"Take the northeast crossways. The quickest way out of the building." Cisco said. Barry got there first, but it was blocked my bees.

"Guys, they're everywhere. I'm surrounded." Barry said.

Barry and I were stung countless times. We flashed outside, and collapsed on the ground. Joe ran up to us, and checked on us.

"Barry's going into cardiac arrest. Anna's being affected by the apitoxin." Wells said.

"Barry, Anna. Stay with me." Joe said.

Joe called Cisco on his cell.

"Cisco, Barry doesn't have a pulse." Joe said as he began to perform CPR. I gasped in pain as the toxin from the bees spread throughout my body. I felt my airways closing and my vision began to get foggy. I think I was allergic to bees. I tried to move to STAR Labs, but the bee stings were too painful for me to focus.

"Step away from him." Cisco replied.

"What? Why?" I wheezed.

"We need to jump-start his heart. There's a defibrillator in the suit." Cisco said.

Joe stepped away from Barry, and looked down at him.

"Charge it to 360 joules." Caitlin said.
"Charging in three, two, one." Wells said, before Barry was zapped by the defib. Nothing happened.

"Hit him again. 400 joules." Cait said.

"Charging in three, two, one." Wells said, before Barry was zapped again.

Barry shot up, gasping for air.

"Barry!" Joe exclaimed, moving to help Barry sit up.

After Barry got his breath back, he rushed me to STAR Labs, where Caitlin had an epi-pen ready. She injected me, and I immediately began to get better.

"That's it for the defibrillator. It's completely fried." Cisco said, walking away from Barry's suit.
"You're both lucky to be alive." Wells said.
"I was very specific that you not die." Felicity said to Barry and I.

"Yeah, it's a pretty big thing for her." Ray stated.

"Cisco, what happened out there? I followed your directions exactly." Barry said.
"I'm sorry. I led you the wrong way. The schematics that we had, they, um, weren't up to date." Cisco said.
"They weren't up to date? What do you mean? That's never happened before." I said.
"And what? You think Cisco was trying to get you killed?" Felicity asked.

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