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Last night, Barry had taken down a few members of the Royal Flush gang

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Last night, Barry had taken down a few members of the Royal Flush gang. Joe, Barry and I were at this massive house, due to a break in/disturbance last night. As the doors to the home opened, we were greeted by Dr. Wells. The smile I had on my face dropped.

"Come in." Dr. Wells said.

We stepped inside, and remained silent. We were speechless.

"Look, Joe. I apologize for all of this." Dr.Wells began.

"It reall just feels like a case of so much for so little. The police should not have been called. I got a prank call before all of this happened." Dr. Wells explained, wheeling into his home, where the attack happened.

"This feels like more than just a prank, doctor." Joe said, looking at all of the damage.

"Well, there are those who feel I did not suffer enough for the particle accelerator explosion last year, and some of them act on it." Dr. Wells said.

"Dr. Wells. Dr. Wells, are you okay?" Caitlin asked, rushing into the house with Cisco in tow.

"Dr.Snow, I'm fine. A little chilly. Otherwise, I'm fine. Hello, Cisco. Make yourselves at home as best you can. I'm gonna make a hotel reservation." Dr.Wells rushed out. He wheeled away from all of us to make his phone call.

"Yo." Cisco chuckled.

"This place is so sick." Cisco said.

"Yeah." I sighed, letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Hey, what took you guys so long?" Barry asked from my left.
"We got lost." Cisco said, looking at Caitlin.

"We've never been here before." Caitlin added.

"Really, never?" Barry asked.

"He tends to keep his private life private." Caitlin said.

I turned and looked at all damage that was done

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I turned and looked at all damage that was done. Barry got to work, piecing the broken glass back together. I stood behind him, watching in real time as he put the pieces together. Dr. Wells rolled up behind us. Barry glanced over his shoulder at him.

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