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I was truly beginning to appreciate my super powers. Without them, I'd be neck deep in case files that needed to be digitally archived at the CCPD.
These powers were awesome.

After taking care of my neglected work, I popped over to STAR Labs. Caitlin, Cisco, and Dr.Wells we're testing Barry's ability to multitask.
Wells was playing chess, Cisco was playing ping pong, Caitlin was playing Operation, and in the middle of whacking a Ping Pong ball,  Barry threw me up in the air and caught me, before I hit the ground.
Caitlin's game buzzed.
"This isn't even remotely anatomically correct." She complained.

"That's not the point, Dr. Snow." Barry said, rushing to her. He plucked out a piece with ease, rushed over to me, caught me and tossed me back in the air. He rushed to Cisco hit the ball a few times and smiled.

"Then what is?" Caitlin questioned.

"To have fun." He replied, hit the ball again, caught me then went back to the ping-pong game.

"And to continue you're on going training. We're testing the speed of your mind by pushing your ability to multitask." Wells said.

Barry rushed from Cisco to Wells, then back again.
"I'm waiting on you Dr. Wells." Barry smiled, then rushed to catch me. Barry went back to Cisco.

"Checkmate." Wells said.

"Wait, checkmate?" Barry asked.

"Checkmate." Wells repeated.

An alarm went off on the screen behind me. There was a robbery going on. I was in mid-air when I moved. I had my suit on just in time as Barry was leaving.

In an instant, I was at the back of an armored car, staring at the assailant who had just broken down the door. Barry knocked all of the other guys to the ground, while trying to protect the two guards. The one in the back of the truck aimed their liquid nitrogen gun at me, and went to pull the trigger. Barry knocked them off the truck and onto the pavement. I got in the way, and crashed to the ground as well. The masked man that Barry knocked off the truck pulled off his mask and glared at Barry. It was clear he wasn't expecting us.

I got a good look at his face, before gun shots were heard. Barry rushed to the guy, while I tried to stand up. My entire core was freezing. I guess the guy hit me after all.

"Where's the nearest hospital?" Barry asked as I got to their side.

"St. Andrews. Seven blocks north, two blocks east." Caitlin said.

"Call the ER, tell them they have an incoming GSW." Barry said into the intercom.

I checked on the other guard as the masked men got away. Barry whisked the guy off to the hospital, while I traveled back to the precinct. I changed in the bathroom and stored my suit in my office.
"Look at these mug shots of Central City's most wanted. See if you can find-" Joe said as he handed me a binder. Barry walked behind us.

I took the book, and traveled a bit further down the hall, with his picture in my hand.
"That's him." I said.
"Damn." Joe said, impressed. He took the book from me.

"Leonard Snart." He sighed.

"'Leonard'? That's almost as bad as 'Bartholomew'." Barry commented.

"Snart ain't sexy either." Joe said.
"I don't know. He kind of is." I said under my breath, but I was sure they both heard.
I shuddered violently. I felt like I was freezing alive. Whatever Snart hit me with must be causing me to shiver.

"Snart's father was a cop. A bad cop, took his anger out on his kids, till he went to prison." Joe said as we walked into the bullpen.

"Snart's dad is in prison too? We should start a club." Barry said.

"He shows up like, every six months. He cases a job for weeks before he makes his move. Then he does a job, gets away." Joe said as we walked towards the stairs.
"That's before the Streak and Anomaly were around." Barry said.

"Did you just refer to yourself in the third person?" Joe asked.

" I referred to the Streak. I've been thinking of a new name. What do you think about the Flash?" Barry asked.
"Coffee break!" Iris exclaimed.

"Thought I'd bring Central City's finest java over to Central City's finest." She smiled. Barry grabbed two cups and gave one to me.

"Thanks I'm off caffeine." Joe said, walking away.
"My dad's been mad ever since I told him about me and Eddie..." Iris said.
"No, you mean he's mad at you because you didn't tell him." Barry said.

"Uh, first that sounds like you're taking his side. Second, you know how he does his whole 'I'm not talking to you but I have a bag full of judgmental looks I'll try on you later?" Iris asked

"Yeah. I've been on the receiving end of those a few times." Barry said.
"Speaking of communications or lack thereof." Iris trailed as we went up the stairs. I tuned them out, until we got to Barry's lab.

"I can vouch for that. The internet is full of weirdoes and nerd rage." Said a blonde woman in a bright pink dress.

"Lots and lots of nerd rage." She smiled, as we got closer. Barry chuckled.
"Hi. Felicity Smoak." Felicity introduced herself to Iris and I.

"Anna Dumas." Felicity said beating me to my name.

"Barry's told me a lot about you." She smiled.

"Iris West." Iris replied, shaking her hand.

"Barry Allen, but you already knew that. Uh- Felicity is.." Barry tried to explain who she was.
"The girl you met in Starling City. The computer-er right?" Iris asked.
Felicity nodded, and looked at me. She had this look that she knew me.
"You two worked on one of Barry's unexplainable cases." Iris said.
"Which, long story short, was definitely explainable. So the lightening came through here?" She asked, glancing upwards.

"Yeah." Barry sighed.

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