Age Again

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Back at STAR Labs, Iris patched Barry up, while Jesse gave us the run down of the metahuman.
"So his genes have actually mutated. I ran the DNA from the blood sample Barry found, and the functional myostatin in his cells in essentially gone. I mean, giving him super strength." Jesse said.
"Guys, there's something else. Um, I saw him age. Right in front of me." Barry said.
"He's suffering from oxidated stress. It means the protein in the DNA in his body are being ravaged by oxidants." Jesse said.
"So what, he needs to up his blueberry intake?" Joe asked, causing some of us to laugh.
"No, it means uh, the more he exerts himself the faster he ages." Jesse said.
"So if we can get him to exert too much energy-" Barry said.
"Then he'll become old and weak." Iris finished.

"And how do you think we're gonna do that?" I asked.

"I can't watch you be a human punching bag until he turns into Grandpa Simpson. And Anna will get tired from time traveling so much. Especially since she can't age." Joe said.
"I think we can fix those. Jesse I'm gonna need some of that quick thinking of yours." Cisco said, drawing Jesse out of the Cortex.
"I got to get back to the station." Joe said as he and I left the Cortex together.

I came back a little while later.
"I'm not picking anything up from facial recognition." Barry said.
"The only cellular dead zone I can find is the one in here. NO offense." Cisco said.
"No, wait a second, was he wearing his watch when he left to get me?" Jesse asked.

"Already tried that. GPS isn't working." Cisco said.
"Okay, no, but the metahuman activity would be. I mean the watch is designed to track metas, right? And since Griffin Grey is one it'll keep sending a message to a server till it goes through." Jesse explained.
"But since we're on a different Earth, it'll never go through." Cisco said.
"So it just keeps sending the same signal." Iris said.
"There he is, Central City Amusement Park." Cisco smiled.
"Yeah, and I'm coming with this time." Jesse declared.
"Okay, great, we've found Harry, but how are we gonna stop Grey?" I asked.

Cisco laughed as he stood up.
"I'm so glad you asked. Jesse and I upgraded the internal lining of the suits. Felicity hooked us up with some dwarfstar alloy." Cisco said walking up to the Flash suit.

"Wait, dwarf star alloy?" Iris asked.
"That's the same compound that's used to protect Ray's ATOM suit." Barry said.
"That's right. Super strong. Super lightweight. Only thing is, we couldn't get much of it." Cisco said.
"All right. What does that mean?" I asked.

"We could only cover the chest portions of the suits." Cisco said.
"Oh." Barry sighed.
"Yeah, sorry.' Jesse apologized.
"Uh here's the other thing  probably not a big deal – um I'm guessing the suits will only absorb on of Grey's punches." Cisco said.
"Mm." I hummed in annoyance.
"Anything more than that, you'll be like a piñata. Only it won't be candy coming out, it'll be –" Cisco rambled.
"Me." Barry said
"You're – yeah you." Cisco said.

"All right. Hopefully one gimme punch is all I'll need." Barry sighed looking at his suit.

Barry and I took off. Grey and Barry battled it out, while I used my powers to help Barry move around.
"Is that all you go Flash?" Grey asked.
"I just want Dr. Wells." Barry said.
"I just wanted him to fix me, but he cant. So once I finish you, I'm gonna finish your bright girlfriend, then I'm gonna finish him." Grey declared.
"Whoa. Girlfriend? Really?" Barry stopped and asked.
"Seriously. We're just friends man." I said.

"Freeze!" Joe said, breaking up the awkward situation.

Grey turned and threw a metal car at Joe and Cisco. They managed to move out of the way, and Barry took this opportunity to taunt Grey.
"Come on!" he called.
Grey aged a lot more. I jumped and took the electricity out. Grey stormed off after Barry.
"Okay, one more punch and we need to get this guy a walker." Cisco said.
"Hey guys we got him." Iris said from the lab van.
"He's over by the Ferris Wheel"

The back up generators came online, and Barry took this opportunity to swing at him.

"Look, we can help you." Barry said.
"It's too late for that. Not everyone got the powers you did, Flash. Some of us weren't so lucky." Grey said as he moved closer to Barry.

Grey socked him in the chest, sending him backwards. Barry crashed into a building and groaned.

"Griffin Please stop." Barry begged.
"I might be getting older, but I'm stronger than ever." Griffin said as he stalked up to Barry. Grey went to punch Barry, but he dodged making Grey age more. Grey tried again and got the same result. He tried for a third time and came out older than the first time.

Barry  moved out of his way and came to stand by me. Grey spun around and punched me square in the chest sending me backwards.
"Anna!" Iris exclaimed.

Grey fell to his knees and collapsed. Cisco, Joe and Barry ran to my side.

"You okay??" Joe asked frantically.
"Yeah. I'm good." I sighed.

"Could've used more of that dwarf star alloy." Barry added.

After getting to my feet, we checked on Grey. He was back to his 18 year old self.

We found Harry a few minutes later.

Jesse uncuffed her dad and pulled him into  a big hug.
"I'm so sorry." Jesse said.
"I'm sorry, too." Harry said.

After getting everyone back to STAR Labs, Joe asked Barry to meet with Wally as the Flash. Cisco rigged up a voice distortion box, and I zapped him there.

"Wally West." Barry spoke.
"You wanted to see me." Barry added.
"Yes. I did. I mean, I – I do. I just wanted to thank you for saving my life. And I know that , that came at a huge price for you. And I don't know how I'll ever repay that. I guess, what I wanted to say was that... I'm not gonna waste this chance that you've given me. Thank you." Wally said.
"You're welcome, Wally." Barry said, before walking behind the roof and letting me bring him back to STAR Labs.

"Hey Anna!" Jesse smiled as she walked into my room.
"What's up Jesse?" I asked.
"Cisco and I found a way to get you to age again." She said.
"What?" I asked, surprised by the news.
"All we have to do is stress your cells a little and you'll be able to age again." She smiled.
"Really?" I asked as I got off my bed.
"Mm-hmm." Jesse nodded

I engulfed her in a hug and thanked her over and over again.

Maybe I was going to actually have a relevant birthday this year.

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