I'll be looking out for you Angel

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I woke up and stayed in bed for a while. I had no motivation to get out of my make shift bed. I stared at the ceiling and sat, motionless, just thinking.

Reluctantly, I stood up off the couch, and went to turn towards the kitchen, but I was greeted by the Suicide Squad.
"So glad you could join us, Anna." Lyla said.

We were on a plane to Kasnia. Dig, Cupid, Lyla, and Lawton were sitting, waiting to drop out of the plane once it got to Kasnia.
"Hey Angel." Lawton called out to me.

"Diggin the look." He smirked.

I looked down and blushed like mad. I was in my underwear and a tank top. I looked up, and didn't even bother to hide my embarrassment.
"Here." Lyla said, giving me a stack of clothes.
"How did?" I asked, wondering how she could have known I would be here.
"Waller had a suspicion you'd show." Dig informed me.
I glanced over at the red head, known as Cupid. She eyed me up and down then turned away from me.

Once on the ground, we began to make our way to wherever we needed to get.

"Anything?" Dig asked Lawton, who was scouting.
"Nope. Clear." Lawton said, handing back the binoculars.

"You seeing anybody, Cutter?" Dig asked.
"Of course I am. The Arrow, and our special day is going to be the most glorious day. And then afterwards, we'll make strong, beautiful babies." She cackled at the end.
"And does he know this?" Lawton asked, walking right beside me.
"Listen, I got news for you, stalker. You don't get to do what we do and have a family." Lawton said.
"Yeah, well. I have a wife right here and a child that say otherwise. Let's hold up here." Dig said.

"Yeah, well, let's hope you make it home to her. Love, children, family. It's all just a distraction for people like us." Lawton said.
"They make us better. Gives us something worth fighting for." I said.
"Love is a bullet in the brain and if you believe any different, you're as crazy as she is." Lawton told me.

"Hey." Cupid defended herself.

"Good thing I'm worse." I joked with him.
"All right. Latest satellite flyover reveals warm bodies here." Lyla stated.

"Yeah that's pretty solid. Fortified. How are we gonna get everyone out?" Dig questioned.

"Our orders are to retrieve Cray, no one else." Lyla stated.

"What about the hostages?" Dig questioned.

"They're not US citizens." Lyla said.

"Are those your words or Waller's?" Dig asked, angrily.

"Let's not fight, Johnny. It's our honeymoon." Lyla said, putting her pack back on.

"See what I mean John?" Lawton asked.

"I'm not you Lawton." Dig said.

"Yeah. I wasn't always me either." Lawton said as we began to walk further.

"Anna? Can you look at this for me?" Lyla asked, handing me a sphere of glowing blue light. It looked like one of Eiling's high frequency bombs. I grabbed it, and as soon as I made contact with it, it sent out this burst of high frequency noise, which caused me to drop it and grab my head. I dropped to my knees and covered my ears. Lawton dropped down with me, making sure I was okay.
"What did you do?" Cupid asked.

"Can't have her time traveling or teleporting away." Lyla stated.

I looked up at Lyla with tears running down my cheeks.
"You promised to never do that again." I snapped at her.

"Wasn't my order." Lyla replied.

I steadied my breathing as the screeching subsided. Lawton helped me stand on my feet again.
"Thank you." I said to him. His gaze lingered on me for a moment longer, then he looked away and began to walk again.

Aberration (The Flash)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora