With Magic

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"The boy Darhk has... he's my son." Oliver said as I appeared in the Arrow Cave.

Despite  just arriving and not knowing what was going on, I was pretty shocked  to hear that Oliver revealed he had another child. I was more shocked to  see Felicity in a wheelchair. I wasn't sure what happened to her, but I  was sad to see her in such a state.
"Yeah. I just found out too. Apparently the only two people who knew about William were Oliver and Darhk." Felicity said.
"Actually, I found out too, um..." Thea said.

"So did I." I told her.
"Um, what's our next plan?" Laurel asked
"William lives in Central City, right?" Felicity asked.
"Yep." Ollie replied, looking at me.
"I will call Barry see what CCPD can do. Is it okay if I tell Barry that William's your - " Felicity said, but stopped herself.
"Barry knows too." She said in disbelief.
  "Let's also get in touch with Malcolm. He has an ax to grind after what  happened with the League, and um, Malcolm knows as well." Oliver said.
"Maybe it would be easier to make a list of people who don't know about your son." Felicity said before turning around.

Oliver's phone beeped.
"Samantha's here." Oliver said.
"Who's Samantha?" Dig asked

"It's William's mother." Oliver said looking at Laurel.

Oliver brought Samantha down to the Arrow cave and Laurel took her aside to chat.

"Does the CCPD have anything?" Oliver asked.
"No. It's a clean grab." Felicity said

"Do we have any other angles we can work, other than Malcolm?" Thea asked.

"Finding  William isn't the problem. Beating Damien Darhk is.  Every time we've  faced him we have been beaten thoroughly." Dig said.
"That's because we can't go against his magic." Thea said.
"We just need to fight harder. We need to fight smarter." Oliver said
  "You know Oliver, Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again   and expecting a different result. We need a new strategy." Felicity  decided.
"What about Constantine?" Dig asked.
"Who?" I asked

"He's in Hell." Oliver replied.
"Really? What's going on?" Thea asked.
"I mean, he's actually literally in Hell." Ollie said.
"Oh." Thea gasped.
  "I might know someone else. Her name is Mari McCabe. She possesses a  totem, which is powered by magic. She calls herself Vixen." Oliver said. 

Oliver went to Detroit and retried Mari, and brought her back to Star City.

"Mari." Laurel smiled.
"Laurel hey." Mari said as he hugged Laurel
"It's good to see you." Laurel said.
"You too." Mari said, before walking into further into the Arrow Cave.

"Mari, this is John Diggle, my sister Thea, my daughter Anna." Oliver introduced us.
"Pleasure." Dig said shaking Mari's hand.
"It's nice to meet you." Thea said shaking her hand as well.

"Nice to meet you. Sorry it's under such horrible circumstances." I said to Mari with a wave.
"You spoke to Felicity on the phone." Oliver.
"Hey." Felicity and Mari said.
"And this is Samantha, William's mother." Oliver said.
"She's a friend, a hero in Detroit they call Vixen." Laurel explained to Samantha.

"Mari and I had an animated encounter last year and we've stayed in touch ever since." Oliver said.
"How are you going to help me find my son?" Samantha asked.

"With magic." Mari said.
"Magic." Samantha said skeptically.
  "Yeah. It's a long story. But the short version is that this totem  gives me the ability to channel the ashe – or the spirirt – of any  animal. Do you have anything of William's with you?" Mari asked.
"Yes, I do. Just this." Samantha said as she pulled out William's Flash toy. "It's his favorite."

Mari took the toy and went to sniff it but stopped. She looked directly at me.
"Don't you dare tell Barry about this." She said before sniffing the toy.

"He's in the city. I think I can find him." Mari breathed.
  "Ok. Good. Dig and I will cover you. Laurel, get in touch with your  father.  We're gonna loop in the SCPD. Felicity I need you to... would it  be all right if you sat with Samantha?" Oliver asked.
"Working up a search profile. Sure." Felicity said.
"Thank you. Thea." Oliver said, looking at his sister.
"Yeah. Malcolm's coming over. I'll go talk to him." Thea said.

"Anna." Oliver said looking at me.
"I'll will skip ahead and see if this works." I said, before moving in time.

I moved too far.

"Oops." I said as I appeared in the middle of a battle.
Oliver had stormed Darhk's house, going to rescue William.

"Find William. I'll take care of Darhk." Ollie ordered Laurel, Thea and I.

Suddenly it got hard to breathe.

"I'm sorry. I can't hear you with your throats closing up like that. Steady." Darhk said as he strangled Oliver too.
"I've got the totem. Has it had any effect?" Mari asked.

"Separating it from Darhk didn't do anything. Go to Plan B." Felicity said.
"What's Plan B?" Dig asked.

Darhk laughed as he stepped down a few steps.

"Please don't hurt them." William begged as he stepped outside.

"William." Oliver groaned.

Suddenly we were free. Darhk had lost his magic.

He tried several times to start it again, but failed.

Oliver went and attacked Darhk. He knocked him to the ground, and out cold.

"Get out of here!" Oliver ordered us.

Thea and Laurel sped away on a motorbike while I flashed out of there.

At the police station, William was reunited with his mother.

"Medics checked him out.  He's in perfect health." Detective Lance said.
  "Oh, thank goodness. There's someone here that you must have missed.  What's wrong?" Samantha asked after William didn't take the toy.

"I'm kind of over the Flash. I want a Green Arrow action figure." William said.
"Well, the Green Arrow is pretty amazing." Samantha said.

"I will let you guys get reacquainted. Hey." Lance said before walking over to us.
"Is everything ok?" Ollie asked.

"Detective  questioned William while the docs were checking him out. Darhk didn't  take him. It was a guy with a missing hand." Lance said.

"Guy?" I asked. "Not a girl?"
"It was Malcolm." Thea whispered

I spent the night at Laurel's and when I woke upagain, two weeks had gone by. I hadn't slept for that entire time, I just time traveled in my sleep. Pretty soon Cisco was going to fix my not aging problem.

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