I know. Know What?

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Over the COMs system, we heard an explosion.

"Oh!" he breathed.
"Barry?" Cait asked.
"Oh! That felt weird. I'm good." Barry said.

Caitlin finished the antidote, and gave it to me to rush to Barry.

"It's okay, you've all been given an antidote." Barry called out to everyone on stage.

"That wasn't very sanitary." Said Jesse.

"Where's Henry Allen?" Barry asked.

"You're going to prison either way James." I told him.

Jesse gave up Henry's location, and Barry and I rushed off to get him.

"All right." Henry laughed. Barry removed his mask, and so did I.

"You always did look good in red." Henry said as he hugged his son.

When they pulled apart, he turned to me.

"It's great to see you again Anna." He smiled, and hugged me. I hugged back. I had missed seeing Henry. I thought about the last time I saw him. It was when I just got my powers.

We brought Henry to STAR Labs.

"Wow. Half this stuff didn't even exist when I was practicing." Henry said in awe.

"Yeah. I'd be happy to give you a crash course on all of it if you get out. I'm gonna shut up now." Cisco said.
"That's okay." Henry said.
"Dr. Allen?" Caitlin asked, hesitantly.

"Yes?" Henry replied.
"I'm feeling the need to give you a hug." Caitlin said.
"Absolutely, I will always accept a hug. Thank you." Henry said, before going over to Barry, who was looking at his suit.

He turned back to us.
"Actually you're all heroes in my book. Especially you, Dr. Wells. Thank you, for everything that you've done for my son." Henry said, shaking Wells' hand.
"Well, your son is an extraordinary man, Dr. Allen. I will do everything in my power to ensure Barry's future." Wells said.
Henry hugged Barry one last time before he turned to Joe to head back to Iron Heights.

"It's time Joe." Henry said, waiting for cuffs.

"No." Joe said.
"No?" Henry asked.
"No." Joe repeated.
"Okay." Henry breathed.

Caitlin hugged Barry.

"It seemed like you could use a hug too." Caitlin said, before she walked into the med bay.

I watched Dr. Wells for a while, trying to wrap my head around him being the Reverse- Flash.

As Barry was heading back to the station, I pulled him aside, where Wells couldn't hear us.

"I know." I said.
"Know what?" Barry asked.

"Wells is the Reverse- Flash. I don't know how, but he is." I said.

Barry nodded, believing me and told me the plan that he and Joe had.

Joe had called Eddie up to Barry's lab to chat and reveal our identities.
"She's looking into Mason Bridge's disappearance." I said.
"We can't let that happen." Joe said, as Barry rushed in.

"Detective." Barry said, as I moved to appear right next to him, in my suit.

Barry and I removed our masks. Eddie stood up in awe.

"Eddie, we need your help." Joe said.

Eddie agreed to help us. He lied to Iris about where he co-worker was. And she seemed to buy it.

I went back to STAR Labs, and crashed.

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