Today and Yesterday

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Cisco brought his girlfriend to STAR Labs after some freak attacked them at Jitters and Barry saved them, and let slip that Barry was the Flash.
"I can't believe you're the Flash. And you're Anomaly. And that you work with them." Kendra said.
"Yeah. Let's keep that on the DL." Cisco chuckled.
"This is the same knife that was used to kill the men at the docks. The residue's a perfect match." Barry said.
"So it is the same guy." Joe said.
"Definitely. But the thing is, these blades are old. Centuries old." Barry said.
"Do you have any idea why this guy would be after you?" Iris asked.

"No. I've never seen him before in my life." Kendra replied.
"Well, he was certainly acting like he knew you. He kept calling her Priestess Chay-Ara." Cisco said.
"That's Coptic." Harry said.
"You mean Egyptian?" I asked, looking back at him.
"That's right." Wells said, looking at me.
"Well, I grew up in Wisconsin and I've never even left the States, so..." Kendra said.
"This guy, he's clearly incredibly dangerous. So I need you to at least let us try to protect you." Barry asked.
"I can put a detail on her." Joe said.
"You didn't see this guy, Joe. No offense, but I don't think a cop is gonna be able to protect her." Cisco said.

"No, but we do have a few friends who can lend a hand." Barry said, looking over at me. I realized he was talking about Team Arrow.

"But we're gonna need to leave Central City." Barry finished.
"And go where?" Kendra asked.

"Star City to meet my parents." I groaned, plastering a sarcastic smile on my face.

Barry and I zipped over to Star City and got Dig, Ollie and the red one out of their little predicament.

"It's the Flash! Did I know we knew the Flash?" Asked Thea Queen.

"We know the Flash. Okay. I didn't know we knew the Flash." Thea continued.
"Thank you both. But I don't think that you ran all the way here to protect us." Ollie said. It was weird seeing him as my father now.

"No, not to protect you. I need to protect a friend." Barry said.

Ollie led us back to his new Arrow cave. I remembered being here once, in the far future when it was trashed and broken.

"Wow! Nice new digs. Also, I just notice, no sleeves? Don't you get cold?" Barry asked.

"I spent the better part of 5 years on an island near the North China Sea. I don't get cold, Barry." Ollie said, avoiding me.

It was going to be weird now.

" Barry! Anna! It's so good to see you." Felicity said.

"Good to see you Felicity." I hugged her tightly.
"Felicity." Barry smiled and hugged her.

"How come you didn't tell me Zoom broke your back?" Felicity snapped, smacking him.
"I..." Barry hesitated.
Felicity hugged him again.

"I'm so glad you're okay." Felicity said.
"So this is what it's like dating her." Barry said.
"More bruises from her than from Deathstroke." Ollie replied.
"Okay. STAR Labs is impressive but this..." Kendra said, impressed.
"Is completely wrong! Did you guys even look at the specs I sent over? This is a tragedy. I'm mourning for the death of engineering. Copper wiring to handle the processing speed from the Palmer Satellite or else your system is gonna overload." Cisco ranted.
"Yeah, but that hasn't happened since last week. I mean, it didn't happen... it happened yesterday." Felicity rambled.

"Hi." Kendra said.
"I'm Felicity." Felicity smiled.
"I'm Kendra Saunders. I'm Cisco's..." Kendra introduced herself.
"She's my new beautiful friend, who kisses me, occasionally." Cisco rambled.
"That's nice." Ollie whispered.
"Right. Ahem." Thea cleared her throat.

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