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Barry was depressed about losing his powers. But he tried to keep that fact hidden from everyone. Cisco kept trying to vibe Zoom to see if Caitlin was okay.
"I really wish we didn't have to keep Jay's helmet around. I hate this thing." Cisco complained after a failed vibe attempt.

"Well..." Barry began.
"Just want to put a dent in it." Cisco grumbled.

"Cisco, did you see Caitlin in your vibe?" Iris asked.

"Zoom's got her in his lair. She's scared but she's okay." Cisco said.
"Oh, thank God." Barry sighed in relief. " All right we need to get her back."

"I know. But without your speed, there's no way any of us can get through that breach Cisco found at the hospital. Not even Anna's time travel powers. I just don't think there's anything we can do right now." Joe said.
"He's right. That's thanks to you Al." Harry said walking into the Cortex. He'd been looking for Jesse again.
"Enough. We're all suffering here." I snapped at him.
"That's right. That's right. We're all suffering. We've lost Snow, you lost your speed and now... now Zoom can come through that breach anytime he wants. And that, Allen, that's on you." Harry ranted.
"Hey, that's on all of us okay? We made these decisions as a team." Iris stated.
Harry turned around and looked at her.
"No we didn't." Harry stated, before walking past all of us.
"Where are you going?" Barry questioned.

"I'mma go find Jesse before Zoom does... again." Harry said.
"Wait, you found her? How?" Cisco asked.
"Cellular dead zones, Ramon – people from my Earth vibrate at a different frequency than people from your Earth. They leave cellular dead zones wherever they go." Harry explained.
"That's why I'm always dropping calls around you?" Cisco asked.
"Okay, so – so wait, how did that help?" I asked.
"I track the dead zones created by Jesse since she got here and I follow the trail. It's easy." Harry said as he grabbed the Speed rifle.

"What, so you think you're gonna need that gun to convince her to leave with you?" I asked.
"You're full of questions today, aren't you, Dumas?" Harry asked. "The gun is not for my daughter. She's not the only person from a different Earth, hiding out on this one. IF I run into them, I'm gonna need this."

"Okay, but you're also gonna need some help." Cisco said.
"Really? You know anyone with the speed to help me, Ramon?" Harry asked, before leaving.
"Wow." Barry huffed.
"Great. I'll be in my workshop." Cisco said as I followed him out of the Cortex.

Cisco and I came back up to the Cortex and found Barry watching the news.
"Don't watch that." Cisco said clicking off the TV.
"Cisco, everybody's gonna realize sooner or later that I don't have my speed." Barry said.
"The later the better. The last thing we need is every criminal in the city thinking they're untouchable, right?" Cisco said.
A loud beeping came over the comms.
"What is that?" I asked.

"Case in point." Cisco said.
"What? What is that?" Barry asked, as Cisco moved around the control desk.
"It's Harry." Cisco said.
"What about Harry" I asked.

"The camera in the lab van recorded an accident. See, this is my version of crash assist. It's like those Russian dash cams, but you know, without attack helicopters and bad pop music on the radio." Cisco said.

Barry and I watched the crash feed.
"That does not look like an accident." I commented. Someone had kidnapped Harry.

"First Caitlin's taken, now Wells. " Barry said.
Cisco pulled up a map of where Harry had been and where the crash occurred.
"This is where Harry was taken but there aren't any traffic cams in that area." Cisco said.
"I'm gonna head out there, see what I can find." Barry said.
"I'll analyze this footage and see if we can figure out who this is." Cisco said.
"All right. Wait, what was the last place the van stopped?" I asked as I threw on a coat.
"Woodmen and Shore for about 15 minutes before heading back to Central City. Why?" Cisco said.
"That's where Jesse must be. She should know if something's happened to her dad." Barry said.

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