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I sat down at the computer desk, and began to go through Dr. Wells' calculations for his particle accelerator. I searched for a long time to find the equation that I had solved for him back in 1999. I found it, and noticed that it was  displayed as to how it was before I solved it. I put the calculations up on a monitor and studied them up close. Wells rolled into the Cortex and looked at what I was working on.

"What are you doing?" he asked, in a rough voice

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"What are you doing?" he asked, in a rough voice.
"Why is this like this?" I asked, crossing my arms, continuing to look at the board.
"Why is what like what?" He asked, wheeling behind me. I turned around and looked down at him.

"This equation." I said, pointing at the one I had solved.

Wells adjusted his glasses, and looked at the equation

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Wells adjusted his glasses, and looked at the equation.

"There's nothing wrong with it Anna." He replied after a minute.

"Yes there is." I replied, not understanding why he didn't remember that I had solved it. I was sure that when I met Wells in 1999, that it would have messed with the timeline.
Wells looked at me with a challenging expression. I looked back at the board, and decided to drop the subject.
"You know... you're right." I said, dismissing the subject. I walked around the computer desk, and began exiting the files I had pulled up.

"Why were you looking at those Anna?" Wells asked.
I ignored him, and continued to close files.
"Anna." Wells said as he wheeled closer to the desk. I looked up at him and bit my lip.

"I wanted to... I wanted to know why I got my powers and Barry got super speed. I was trying to see if some kind of equation could determine what types of powers we got." I said, lying through my teeth.

I was thankful I was a fantastic liar. Dr. Wells looked at me with an intense expression.
"There's no mathematical equation for why certain people got metahuman powers and some didn't." Wells said, then was quiet for a minute.

"Your favorite ice cream is still mint chocolate chip, right?" He asked as he spun his wheel chair around.
"It is. How did you know?" I asked, suspicious of how he knew what my favorite flavor of ice cream was.
"Cisco has a rather large mouth." Wells said with a smile.

"That he does. Why?" I asked.
"Care to join me on a late night scavenger hunt?" He asked with a smirk.

"Scavenger hunt?" I asked, playing along.

He nodded his head. I pushed the chair I was sitting in, away from the desk, and nodded. 

After obtaining our ice cream from the local shop, Dr

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After obtaining our ice cream from the local shop, Dr. Wells and I walked along a bridge that went over the river. We stopped and enjoyed the view that the bridge had to offer.
"Did you ever find that friend you were looking for?" I asked, out of the blue.
"I did. We're re-connecting." Dr. Wells smiled a bit.
I smiled at that.
"What's she like?" I asked.
"Much different than I remember." He admitted as he looked  up at me.
"How so?" I asked, wanting to talk more with him. I was still suspicious about the equation I solved, and wasn't solved.
"She's far more beautiful than when I last saw her. She's rather caring and kind to everyone she meets." He said as he looked back at the water.

"You last saw her when you were..." I trailed.
" I was 9 at the time." Dr. Wells said.
"I could imagine she'd look different." I laughed lightly.

Wells hummed.
"When will you see her again?" I asked as I leaned against the railing.
"Soon enough." He replied.
We were quiet for a while, enjoying the view of the bay.

"Dr. Wells, can I ask you something?" I asked.
He looked  up at me, with soft eyes. I hadn't seen him look like that since Tess had passed. I thought about asking him about the equation. I thought about asking him about Tess and the accident. I thought about asking him about the other speedster that Joe and I knew was out there. I settled on asking him a very simple, yet complicated question.

"Do you miss her? The old version of your friend? Or is this new version of her better?" I asked.
Wells was quiet for a minute, thinking.
"That's not for me to decide." He said simply.
"I'm not asking about facts, Dr. Wells. I'm asking about opinions." I said.
"I wish I could have had more time with her when we were young, yes. But this new version is the best thing that could have happened to her." He said.

"What do you miss about her?" I asked.

"Her uncanny ability to make me laugh." He replied. I smiled.

"Did you have a best friend as a child?" he asked, looking up at me.

"I did.  I tried to contact him when I first moved to Starling City, but I could never find his address. I'm not sure what happened to him." I admitted.
"Have you tried searching for him?" He asked, using the words I used on him.

"I tried, I don't see the point in looking for a ghost." I said.

"A ghost." Dr. Wells muttered in a whisper.

"I made new friends, I have Barry and Iris." I said.

"Iris West does not like you." Wells said, still looking at me.

"Iris doesn't like Anomaly." I corrected him.

"Nonetheless, she doesn't like you." Wells said.

I nodded and looked down at the wet pavement.
"I heard you lived in Starling City for a while, before moving here." Wells said.

"I lived in Starling City as a kid. Then three months after I turned 10, my parents abandoned me on the side of the road, coming to Central City. Joe was on patrol when he found me, five hours later. He brought me home." I said, leaving out the part where I time traveled from a future Starling City to the Starling we had now.

Dr. Wells looked at me, as I looked out at the lights over the water. He placed a hand on mine, causing me to look at him.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that." Dr. Wells said.
"Thank you." I said. Dr. Wells scrunched his brows for a moment, and then squeezed my hand.

We began to walk back to STAR Labs.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to dump my life on you." I apologized. Wells still had my hand in his.

"It's quite okay Anna. I asked, I wanted to know. I'm sorry I brought up those painful memories." Dr. Wells apologized.
"It's alright, I don't mind sharing." I said as I smiled down at him.

We walked in silence back to STAR Labs. Dr. Wells bid me a good night, then we went our separate ways.

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