Freaky. Fascinating.

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I woke up later than I had meant to. I was running late this morning and my alarm didn't wake me up to get my ass to STAR Labs on time. Barry called me asking where I was and if I was coming to work today. I told him what was up and said I'd be there in a second.
That was another perk I had found in my time travel powers. If I was late I could go back in time and make myself on time or if things were boring I could skip ahead and get to the action.

Barry filled me on what happened at the crime scene. The Darbinyan crime family had been murdered last night. In the blink of an eye, I was inside STAR Labs.

Caitlin, and Dr. Wells were surrounding the control desk, listening to Barry's theory about a new metahuman.

"Everyone in the Darbinyan Crime Family was affected by some kind of poison gas, but not all at the same time." Barry explained.

"Freaky." Cisco muttered.

"Fascinating. A metahuman that can manipulate poison gas." Wells said.

"Is it just poison gas or can he control all aerate substances?" Cisco asked, as he walked in from the test lab, adjoined to the left of the Cortex.

"And how is he able to formulate the connection? Is it physiological or psychological?" Caitlin asked.

"This individual can create a mental nexus using gaseous substances." Wells said.
"You mean connect with gases on a molecular level? That's ridiculously cool." Cisco said.

"Yes." Wells agreed.
"They get excited about this stuff." Barry said to Joe, who was standing to my right.

"The only thing I'm excited about is putting criminals behind bars. Except Iron Heights isn't exactly equipped to handle metahumans." Joe said.
"It's fortunate the ones you've encountered so far are no longer with us." Wells said.

"Unless we're planning on executing every super-criminal we stop... you geniuses are gonna have to come up with some place to hold them." Joe said.

"A metahuman prison. Sweet." Cisco said.

"Until we figure out a way to remove their powers." Wells said.
"There is one place here that might hold them." I said, suggesting they use the pipeline. I mean it wasn't being used and they might as well put it to use. This place was huge and inconspicuous.

Wells, Cisco and Caitlin turned to look at me.

"You can't be serious. We haven't been down there since - ... it's cordoned off." Caitlin said.

"Anna's right." Wells said.

"It could be modified to act as a makeshift prison." Wells said.

"What could?" Barry asked.

" The particle accelerator." Dr. Wells informed him.

I looked over at Caitlin, and watched, as she got lost in her memories.

"Let's head down." Cisco said.
"Caitlin?" Dr. Wells asked.

"Caitlin. Did you hear me?" Wells asked. She turned to look at him.
"We're going down to the accelerator ring." Wells said.
"Actually, Dr. Wells, I could use Caitlin's help identifying the poison gas." Barry said, sensing Caitlin's hesitation to go down to the particle accelerator.

"Okay." Wells said.
"If that's okay with you..." Barry asked.

"Let's go." Caitlin said, grabbing her bag and coat.

I followed Wells and Cisco down to the particle accelerator, while Joe, Barry and Caitlin went back to the CCPD.

The door to the pipeline slowly opened. I stood behind Wells, to the right of Cisco.

"Copper in the tube is arranged to form cavities and we can use those cavities as containment cells." Wells said as we entered the pipeline..

"Of course, I have to design them to counteract metahuman abilities... but it might just work." Wells said.

I looked down each side of the pipeline. This place was huge.

"We have to decouple the injection system on the gantry level. I'll be right back." Wells said, wheeling out of the pipeline.

"Why don't I do that?" Cisco offered.
"I need the exercise." Wells said, winking at me.

I turned to look at Cisco, who was lost in his own thoughts. I figured that he was reliving the night of the explosion. I could only imagine how it must have felt to be back here.
"Cisco?" Wells asked, drawing him back to reality.

"Cisco, we're ready to go." Wells said.

Cisco turned around and walked towards Wells and the hallway. I stood inside the pipeline, and looked around. I wondered how in the world we were going to get used to working above a prison.

Cisco left, clearly upset. I turned to look at Wells. He was staring at me, with lost eyes. I smiled softly at him, and went up to Cisco's work lab.

"Cisco. If you want to talk, I'm here for you." I told him.
"Thanks Anna." He replied, then changed the subject.

"Before I forget, Dr. Wells and I were discussing the suit you'd need for being in the field, and I have the perfect super suit for you." Cisco smiled.
"Oh my God. I'd love to see it." I exclaimed like a school girl.

I followed Cisco up to the Cortex where he had my suit stored.

The suit had a high dark sheer collar, that connected down the body as a shirt

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The suit had a high dark sheer collar, that connected down the body as a shirt. Across the bust there were fine silver strings, forming a sort of corset style accent. Long leather pants, and tall leather boots accompanied the outfit, along with bicep length gloves, and a dark black mask to protect my identity.
"Oh my god. Cisco." I breathed in awe. I was speechless.
"You made this?" I asked, touching the fabric.
Cisco nodded as I looked up at him. I rushed to hug him.
"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." I said.

"You're welcome." He replied with a laugh.
"Like Barry's suit, I made this out of a leather and textile combo. I'm assuming, just like Barry, you generate lots of heat, so I'm taking an extra precaution so you don't burst into flames." Cisco said.

"That would be so unfortunate." I joked with him.
I hugged him again and nearly refused to let go.
"Alright. So Barry is the Streak, which is a horrible name by the way." I said pulling away.
"I've been meaning to give him a better one." Cisco admitted.
"Have you gotten any vibes as to what I might be called?" I asked.
"I might have an idea." Dr. Wells said as he was wheeled into the Cortex.
"And your idea is...." I trailed.
"I was thinking Anomaly." He replied.
"Why?" I asked.
"Because teleporting is something that deviates from standard and expected things. Plus the light that you emit is another anomaly that we don't yet understand." He said. I smiled.

"That's perfect." I beamed.
"Thank you Cisco. Thank you Dr. Wells." I smiled as I walked over to Dr. Wells.
Cisco smiled as he sat down at the console desk. I leaned over Dr. Wells and hugged him.
He was surprised at first but quickly eased into my brace. It really warmed my heart.

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