Into the Night

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I paid no attention to anything that was going on around me. I heard voices behind me, and I could feel the nurses moving around the room, beginning to clean up.
Felicity told me later that Quentin came in to see Laurel, but he was too late. Felicity pulled me from the hospital room and home. I was numb and sobbing hysterically.

Thea and Felicity brought me back to the Arrow cave and in my state of being a complete wreck they drugged me.

I woke up a couple hours later, groggy dazed and praying that the previous nights events were a dream. Felicity's grim look told me otherwise.
"It wasn't Laurel but it was sure like seeing a ghost." Thea said.
"And hearing one. That sonic device has been modified. My ear plugs did not do a thing." Oliver added.
"The sonic device is what shouldn't have done a damn thing." Felicity grumbled.

"You said Cisco keyed it specifically to Laurel?" Oliver asked.
"It should have only worked with Laurel." Dig confirmed.
"The crazy part id that this girl is using it at much higher decibels than Laurel ever did." Felicity added.
"Okay. So who is this girl?" I asked.
"When she attacked Alex, she accused him of working for someone." Thea said.

"Ruve Darhk?" Dig offered.

"HIVE. She said the Green Arrow left them at Reddington to die." Oliver said.
"What's Reddington?" I asked.

"Reddington Industrial is where Darhk held you all hostage over the holidays." Oliver said answering my question.
"You think this girl is one of Hive's prisoners." Felicity stated.
"They weren't prisoners, remember? They were volunteers." Dig corrected Felicity.
"Right, but still, let's check missing persons for a family with at least one teenage daughter who went missing over Christmas." Oliver suggested.

Felicity moved over to her computer and began the search.

"The Sharp family. Mom and Dad's bodies were found two days after Christmas. Cause of death hypoxia." Felicity read off the screen.
"Could be HIVE's gas chamber." Dig offered

"What about the daughter?" Thea asked.

Felicity typed away. More images filled the screen with an adorable teenager. Evelyn Crawford Sharp.

"Class President, academic decathlete, gymnast, basically a 16 year old badass in the making. She never even missed a day of school."

I scoffed at what Felicity read off the screen.

"Until her parents met Damien Darhk, I'm guessing." I growled.

"She said we left them there to die and we did." Oliver said.
"What do you mean? All those people at Reddington." Oliver answered her.
"Were there of their own choosing, Oliver." Dig told him.

"And we know that HIVE drugs people to make them susceptible to suggestion. She told me that we failed this city. She's not wrong." Oliver sighed.

Felicity gave me another round of drugs and sent me off to bed. I was taking Laurel's death really hard.

I woke to Felicity wheeling me into the center of the Arrow Cave. I was on Overwatch duty with her tonight, since Evelyn had Laurel's sonic cry device. But I had my suit on just incase I was needed in the field.

"Keep your eyes peeled. She's out there somewhere." Felicity said over the coms.
"I'm on site." Speedy radioed in.

"Yeah. So is the Anit-Vigilante task force, and they have come ready to play." Spartan said.
"We need to find that girl before they do." Green Arrow stated.

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