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A couple weeks later, I quit my job at the CC Museum, and focused on my job at the CCPD and helping the Flash

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A couple weeks later, I quit my job at the CC Museum, and focused on my job at the CCPD and helping the Flash. Cisco, Caitlin, Dr. Wells and I were down at the airstrip, trying to help Barry increase his speed.

"Very impressive Mr. Allen. Your reaction to stimuli at super speed continues to improve." Dr. Wells said, after Barry ate.

"It's still not enough." Barry said.
"It will be." Dr. Wells replied.

"Keep working like you are. Stay focused like you are. You will be ready the next time your man in the yellow suit comes around." Dr.Wells said.

"I think you mean the Reverse – Flash." Cisco said.

I looked over at Cisco with a look.

"What? He said it, not me." Cisco defended himself.

"And he's right. Yellow suit, red lightning and evil. The reverse of Barry." Cisco added.

"Meh." Caitlin said.

"Actually, I kind of like it

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"Actually, I kind of like it." Wells said.

"Alright, I'm so ready for another round. How many drones do you have left?" Barry asked.
"Two and they've got lasers." Cisco said as Barry walked into the RV to change.

"No." Dr. Wells and Caitlin said at the same time.
"I get to play right?" I asked, like a little kid.

"Of course!" Cisco smiled.
"Yes!" I said, fist bumping.
All in all, I only ripped my suit three times. Cisco wasn't too happy about it, but it could have been worse.

The next day, Barry and Joe were called down to a crime scene where nothing was stolen. Barry called me a few minutes later telling me that Snart was back in town.

I moved from the station to STAR Labs.

"Captain Cold is back?" Cisco asked as we all walked into the Cortex.

"For a non-metahuman Leonard Snart is proving to be quite the nemesis." Dr.Wells pointed out.
"He still has the cold gun, the one he stole from us. The one I built." Cisco added.

"You destroyed my gun, right?" I asked sharply, looking at Cisco. He gulped but didn't answer.

"What does he want this time?" Caitlin asked.

Barry sighed.

"The Flash..."

"If Snart wants a fight then I'll give him one."  Barry said. "Well..." Dr. Wells started.

"You don't think I should?" Barry asked.
"I didn't say that. But, Bary, as fast as you are, you can not be everywhere at once. And it becomes then a question of priorities. In the last month, you have made a commitment to increasing your speed, enhancing your reflexes. And it's working. You're finally getting faster." Dr. Wells said.

"Okay, but what am I supposed to do? Just ignore Snart?" Barry asked.

"The last time you had a fight with Snart, a train derailed and Anna got 5th degree frostbite." Dr. Wells said.
"Which isn't a real degree." Ciatilin interjected.

"You were lucky to get all those people to safety.  Now if you don't give him that fight...." Wells trailed.
"He may just back off." Barry said.
"And there will be no casualties." I added.
"Look, Barry, Cisco and I will work with Joe and the police... and devise a way to catch Cold." Dr. Wells said wheeling around the Cortex.

"Yes, I said it

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"Yes, I said it. Soon as it came out of my mouth, I heard it." Dr. Wells said, earning a smile from Cisco and I.

"Yeah, we can come up with ways to neutralize Snart."Cisco said, sitting down at the main desk.

Barry left to go back to the CCPD. I messed around the Cortex for a while. I helped Cisco with the ballistics shields for the police.

"Excuse me! If I could have everyone's attention please." Cisco called out to all the police members that had gathered to see his presentation.

"You have our attention, Mr. Ramon." Captain Signh told Cisco.
"Okay, check it. So Dr. Wells, Anna and I, we took your ballistic shields and – " Cisco began, and started to walk away from me holding the shield. Captain Singh moved the nozzle of the thing Cisco was holding down to the ground.
"And we lined them with a pretty sweet compacted heating ribbon designed to repel temperature attacks especially those reaching absolute zero, like Captain Cold's gun." Cisco explained.

"That's supposed to keep us from getting turned into popsicles?"  asked Officer Grant.
"Um, yeah. Yeah they will." Cisco replied.
"How are we supposed to trust anything from STAR Labs after you nuked the city?" asked Officer Clovers.

Cisco looked at Dr. Wells.

"You're right. You're right. You shouldn't trust us. What happened a year ago, that was our fault. And we can't change the past a smuch as we wish we could. But tomorrow is a different story. Tomorrow's a different thing. We just want the chance to make things better. Observe." Cisco said, putting on his goggles.

I picked up the shield and prayed to every god out there that this shield would hold up.

The shield melted the ice right off

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The shield melted the ice right off. Everyone was seriously impressed. I put the shield down, and walked up to Cisco . I hugged him and thanked him for not turning me into a Popsicle.

Later that night, the police put the shields to the test. I begged Dr. Wells to let me go and help them, but he refused. A bunch of cops were hurt, and two were in the Burn Unit at the hospital. Joe was alright, thankfully. Barry was really torn up about not helping the police with Snart and his pyro pal.
" I told you!" I shouted at Wells.
"All those people could have been safe if I had gone with them!" I snapped at Dr. Wells.

"You could have been hurt." Dr. Wells said.

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