Mid Punch

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When I woke up, I was standing next to Snart, Sara and Mick, and Stein.
"Looks like they're checking credentials. And we don't have any." Sara sighed.
"We got this. Trust us." Mick said.
Snart walked into a man, and pick pocketed him.
"Excuse you." Snart said.
"IDs" said a guard.

Snart handed over the stolen ID.
"You don't look like and Amhad Ahmed Izz-Al-Din." Said the guard.
"I'm Arab. On my mother's side." Snart said, playing it cool.
"Is there a problem? I don't like delays. Do you know who we are. My associates and I are the operational arm of "Scimitar." The Lombardo Square bombing , 1963. Murder of Henri Tyran, Canada, 1970. Konig Airport Massacre, 1971. Bottom line?" Stein went on.

"You don't want to doubt me." Stein finished.
Snart took back the ID card, and waltzed inside. Mick slapped Stein on the back and whispered to him, but I couldn't hear what he said.

"We're in." Snart said.

"So why don't I get to play terrorist?" Jax asked over the COMs system.
" This is just a kidnapping. No need for your nuclear fireworks. Savage'll be one of the buyers. Once we get eyes on, hang back. We'll boost him once this is all over." Snart said as I looked around.

"Any sign of him?" Carter asked.

"No." Snart replied.
"He's not here, boss." Mick said.
"Let's get Ginger, the Professor, and the Clock and move out." Snart said.

I was a little surprised at the nicknames he gave us. Sara was Ginger, which made sense due to her hair color. Stein was a literal professor, so that made perfect sense. And I was clock, because I can travel in time.

"If I could have your attention. Thank you all for coming. I promise it will be well worth your time." Said some boy up on a stage.

I watched as Vandal Savage walked right by me, and up on the stage as well.

"Seems we were wrong about Savage. He's not one of the buyers." Stein said as he, Mick, Sara, and Snart came up behind me.
"He's the seller." Sara said

"This is a variable-yield nuclear warhead, capable of producing a blast equivalent to one megaton of TNT." Savage spoke.
"Shall we begin our bidding at 100 million dollars?" asked the boy. A gunshot rang out, which caused me to jump a little, and back into Snart. His hand snaked around my waist and steadied me. I looked back at him, then moved away from him. I settled in between Stein and Snart.
"100 million." Confirmed the boy.
"Do I hear 105?" Asked the boy.

A man near us, dressed in all white shot his gun.

"110?" asked the boy. Another gun shot.

"115?" asked they boy.

No gunshot this time. The boy walked over to Savage and whispered to him. Savage looked down at us, and knew that we weren't from around here.

"It appears we've drawn some unwanted attention." Stein said.
I turned my head over my shoulder.

"We need to bid. Fire your gun." I whispered to Snart.
Mick raised his gun and shot.
"That's 125." Said the boy.
"Um, what's happening?" Sara asked.
"It's what's not happening that is the concern." Stein said.
"Nobody else is bidding." Snart said.
"Sold!" exclaimed the boy.
"Congratulations, Professor. You just bought yourself a nuclear weapon." Mick said.
"Well, well. We seem to have a new player. But you seem a bit academic. How did you get in here and who are you?" asked the dude clad in white as he approached us.

"As of a few seconds ago, I'm a nuclear power." Stein said.
"Yet I don't know you or your organization, and I know everyone." Said white dude.
"Hey. Back off." Mick rumbled.
"Watch your tone." Said white dude.
"Is there some sort of problem here?" Savage asked getting in Mick's face. I instinctively reached down and grabbed Snart's wrist. I squeezed it for a second, then let go.
"Yeah, the master race here is starting to bug me." Mick rumbled.
"We're just gonna get our nuclear warhead, and be on our way." Snart said, putting Mick back in line.
"Not without paying first." Said the boy.
"Once we've validated that the warhead's operational. Personally, I find it highly unlikely that you were able to accumulate enough fissionable material in this era to fashion a workable nuclear device." Stein said.
"This era?" Savage asked.

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