Clad in Yellow

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My name is Anna Dumas, and I can travel through time

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My name is Anna Dumas, and I can travel through time. I was given my powers by the STAR Labs particle accelerator explosion. The very same one that gave Barry Allen his super speed.

With his help, along with a few other friends, we help keep Central City safe from metahumans like us

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With his help, along with a few other friends, we help keep Central City safe from metahumans like us. So originally I told you this was about 3 simple words. I love you. Now I know what you're thinking; "Anna, we wanted a love story, not a play by play of what we already know." I hear you, trust me. You just have to wait a little bit longer. The juicy stuff is coming up.

Someone had murdered two guards at Mercury Labs. Joe and Barry had brought back their findings to STAR Labs.

"The witness described seeing a yellow blur. Just like the one that killed Barry's mother." Joe addressed all of us.

"Then we need to get cracking and stop this speed psycho. That – I wasn't trying to give him a name." Cisco said, sucking on a candy cane.

"The crime scene at Mercury Labs was on a floor with highly secured vaults. And the witness said he was looking for something." Barry said.

"Whatever it was he wanted it badly enough to kill for it." Dr. Wells muttered quietly.

"Doctor, what do you know about Mercury Labs?" Joe asked.

"Mercury was one of STAR Labs' major competitors until our little setback... and then it catapulted to the forefront, led by... Dr. Christina McGee, a brilliant but egocentric physicist." Dr. Wells informed us.

"It says here, Dr. McGee has secured half a billion dollars in private funding to develop, and I quote " prototypes for the technology of the future."" Cisco read off the screen.

"Well I'll be. Tina's messing with tachyons." Dr. Wells said.

Joe turned around and looked at Dr. Wells. He had no idea what a tachyon was. Neither did I, but that wasn't the point.

"Superluminal particles." Dr. Wells said.
"Of course. So, what could someone do with one of those..." Joe said, struggling with the word tachyon.

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