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Barry and Felicity went on a stroll through Central City Park, while Iris went back to Jitters. I went back to STAR Labs, I was hoping that Caitlin and Cisco could run some tests on me to help figure out a few of my weaknesses.
Caitlin had just finished drawing blood when Barry and Felicity walked into the Cortex.

"This is where my team monitors the police bands for activity. We can track anything that's happening. Check this out:  we've got our own satellite." Barry said, nerding out.
"I know. I've hacked into it from time to time." Felicity said looking around the room.

"Rude." Cisco said.
"It is, of course, so wonderful to see you again, Felicity. I'm just wondering how much of our operation she needs to know about." Caitlin said, with hesitation in her voice.
"I'm really good at keeping secrets." Felicity said.
"Yeah, Felicity works with the Arrow." Barry said.
"Sweet." Cisco and I responded.

"And, you apparently are not." Felicity said.

"Now, it's all making sense. You know who the Arrow is. Wait.... DO you know who the Arrow is?" Cisco asked Barry.

"Uhhh......" Barry said, shaking his head.
"Let's just say that my team has a similar set up but with more pointy objects." Felicity said.
"Welcome, Miss Smoak." Dr. Wells greeted Felicity.

"Dr. Wells? The Dr. Wells?" she asked, holding in her inner fan girl.

"Please, call me Harrison, Felicity." He said.
"You know who I am?" she asked
I glanced over at Dr.Wells. He wasn't flirting with Felicity, but it sure felt like it. He was far too interested in her for my liking.
But as soon as that thought crossed my mind I shook my head. What if he flirted with her. Who cares?! Ugh something was wrong with me.

"Ranked second in the national informative technology competition at age 19. Graduated MIT with master's degree in cyber security and computer sciences. I know who you are. I keep an eye out for promising talent in scientific fields. That's what brought me Cisco and Caitlin. And I foresaw... great things from you." He said taking off his glasses.

"Speaking of great things... wanna see something cool?" Barry asked.

I shivered again, and rubbed my arms. Dr. Wells noticed, and as Barry, Caitlin, Felicity and Cisco moved to the training room, he wheeled over to me.
"Anna?" he asked, concerned.
"Snart hit me with liquid nitrogen earlier. It hit the suit, but it's friction proof so – I thought..." I trailed.
"Cold slows down heat and friction, if you teleport a bit more, you should alright." Wells said as he pulled a sweater off the back of his wheel chair. He handed it to me, and smiled a bit. I smiled back and put on the sweater. I saw his chest puff a bit in pride as I wore his sweater.

We moved into the training room, and Barry began running. We all watched from the tech lab.

"He hasn't reached his top speed yet theoretically speaking." Wells said.
I cut my eyes to him. The wording he used was interesting.
"So is he really okay?" Felicity asked.

"His heart rate is in normal range for him." Caitlin said.

"No, I mean, the lightening bolt changed him. Do any of you really know how much?" Felicity asked.

"We know a fair amount. Anna knows more." Cisco said.
"If anything he's better than before. Barry is exactly who he is supposed to be now." I said truthfully.
"If everything about him is sped up, is he gonna age faster? What would happen if he ran too fast? Would he just be running... and then poof, he's dust in a red costume?" Felicity asked, rambling.
"Everything we do here, at STAR Labs is to protect Barry Allen. Trust us, Felicity. He's in very good hands here." Wells said.
"Wanna see how fast I can run backwards?" Barry asked, before spinning around and smashing into the wall.

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