Best Laid Plans Go Sideways

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Snart forced all three of us under the flooring of the Waverider.

Snart poked his head up in Rip's office after we crawled underneath the flooring for a while. He checked to see if the coast was clear, then helped Sara and I out of the hole.

"How did you even know that was down there?" Sara asked.

"When Rip first recruited us, I made it my business to case every square inch of this tub in the event there was something worth stealing. There wasn't. Let's get out of here." Snart said before walking from the office.
"What about the team?" I asked.

"There's nothing more we can do for them." Snart replied.
"You're just gonna leave Mick?" Sara asked.

"If the Time Masters are half as twisted as Mick said, there's an excellent chance Mick is no longer Mick. Now why aren't we flying yet?" Snart snapped.

"Because we're not going anywhere. And even if we wanted to we're in a hangar surrounded by an entire armada of timeships." Sara said.
"It's the Waverider. We've got guns. We can blast our way out." Snart said, a bit too quickly.

I looked at Sara. Snart was acting a bit panicky, which wasn't his style.

"This isn't Bonnie and Clyde. And we're not going anywhere without the rest of the team." I stated, staring at him.

He whipped his cold gun out and aimed it at me. I stepped backwards. Chills ran through my spine and over my skin. Hurt passed his eyes for a moment.

"Maybe I didn't make myself clear." Snart said.

"Don't do that. Don't act like you're the same cold-hearted bastard that I first met." I said to him.

"I remember Russia, and you were the one who told me not to kill Stein." Sara added.
"Yeah, because you seem to have a problem with being a killer. I however, don't." Snart replied as he looked from me to Sara.
A moment passed.
"Prove it." I said, taking a step towards him. Tears were in my eyes, but I wasn't going to allow them to fall.

"Shoot me." I said.

His hands shook as he held the gun up. It was mere seconds away from igniting, when the phone rang. Both our eyes flickered to the phone to our side. Sara stepped away to answer it as Snart dropped his gun.

Sara answered it after a moment of hesitation.
"Hello?" Sara asked.
"Gideon, you're alive." Sara smiled.

Snart and I moved into Rip's office and got closer to Sara.

"We can share war stories later. Where's the rest of the team?" She was quiet for a second.
"What do you mean for the moment?" Sara asked as Snart and I looked at her.

Sara hung up and relayed the message Gideon gave us.
"The teams trapped and we need to rescue them." Sara said. Snart and I exchanged looks.

We were going to have to deal with our 'situation' later. Gideon had a plan to help save the rest of the team. And it involved explosives.

We snuck off the Waverider and maneuvered our way through the hangar we were inside of.

"This is a bad plan." Snart said.

"It's Gideon's." I replied from behind Sara.

"You're not helping your argument." Snart said.
"We need to finish putting these on the ships so we can get back to the Waverider." Sara interjected.

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