Well, Well, Well....

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Suddenly Zoom was behind Ronnie, pulling his hand from his heart.

"NO!" Killer Frost cried.

"That." Zoom growled.
"What did I say you should do if you encountered a speedster?" Zoom asked Reverb.
"Leave him unharmed." Reverb replied.
"Does this look unharmed to you?" asked Latency.

Zoom shoved a vibrating hand into Reverb's chest. Zoom moved over to Killer Frost.

"I'm happy to see you know your place." Zoom growled, then dropped her.

Latency dropped me, and ran after Zoom.
"Barry!" Cisco yelled as Zoom ran off with his body.

Cisco and I flashed back to STAR Labs, and went to find Harry.

"Harry – don't shoot!" Cisco exclaimed, backing up against the wall. I placed myself in front of Cisco, ready to take the blast.
"Damn it, Ramon." Harry sighed, putting the gun down.
"Where's Allen?" Harry asked.
"Zoom took him." I stated.
"What?" Harry asked.
"We tracked down Deathstorm and Killer Frost, met my doppelganger, Reverb. Super evil guy, super evil powers. The three of them almst took down Barry, until Latency and Zoom showed uo, killed Cisco-2, killed Deathstorm for hurting a speedster, but then he left Killer Frost alive and then took off with Barry." Cisco explained.
"How are you still alive? Anna yes. You, no." Harry asked.

"Looks like he cares even less about me than you do, Harry." Cisco said.
"No. No, Zoom doesn't do anything by accident. Did he follow you here?" Harry asked, rounding his desk to look at his computer.
"I've seen Heat like 50 times, okay? I know how to shake a tail. He didn't follow me. But check this out. I jacked these from my dead ringer. I think we can tweak these puppies, use them to find Zoom." Cisco said, as he pulled out Reverb's glasses.

"Damn it. Ramon, we don't have time for this. Zoom is hunting us. Zoom is hunting us! We need to make an alternate plan because if we don't Zoom is -." Harry began to snap, worrying about his daughter.

"Stop thinking like that, okay? We will find Jesse and Barry. I know we will." I snapped.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" called Barry-2 over the COMs system.

"Okay, whoever's responsible for this, oh biy, we're gonna have words. The two of us, okay? This is not okay." Barry-2 called.
"Barry-2." Cisco stated.

"Dr. Wells, this is very disappointing. I mean, the three of you should be ashamed of yourselves. You can't just lock someone in a room like this. How long was I in here for?" Barry-2 asked.
"Barely a day." Harry replied.

"One day? One day?! Oh, geez, my wife's gonna be worried sick. Dr. Wells." Barry-2 ranted as we walked into the Cortex, or Cortex-2.
"Yeah?" Harry asked.

"Doctor, I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but my wife is a very well respected detective in the Central City Police Department. She's gotta be very upset." Barry-2 said.
"Oh, this is heavy." Cisco sighed.

"It certainly is. And I'm sorry, fellas, but I demand to know what the heck is going on here. This instant." Barry-2 stated.
"Barry, this is a very long story." Cisco began.
"Ramon, we don't have time to tell right now. We're sorry we locked you in that room for a day, but right now you need to leave. You need to gather-." Harry began, but the metahuman alert went off.

"What is that?" Barry-2 asked.

"He's here." Harry stated.

"We need to go. Now." I stated, pushing Harry and Cisco to the hallway.
"Dr. Wells. Hey, what the heck is going on?" Barry-2 asked.
"Oh, Zoom's after us." I said casually.

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