I heard the azaan at the same time. I decided to pray for it gives me peace of mind. Wiping off the tears, I went into the washroom, did my ablution and started to pray. I became hard for me to concentrate on my prayer as my mind kept drifting to the content I read in the file. I prayed to Allah to give me sabr (patience) and himmat (courage).

After my prayer I really felt relaxed. I wasn't crying anymore. I thought that crying over this isn't going to answer my questions. It isn't going to solve this problem.

So I decided to call my brother and ask him about what in the actual hell was happening between him and Hussein?

I took my phone and dialled my brother's number. I took a deep breath and waited for him to pick it up.

"Assalamualaikum Annu. How are you?" He asked in very cheerful voice.?

"Umm, wa alaikum assalam bhai. I'm good, alhumdulillah." I stopped and took a deep breath and then continued, "How are bhai? And where are you? And how is your job?" I asked him in one breath.

"Woah, woah. Calm down. What's with all these questions? Is everything okay Annu?" He questioned.

"Yeah, yeah Bhai. Everything is alright. It's just that I was missing you." I told and mentally patted my back for not stuttering.

"Ohh, I miss you too sissy. But I don't think you missed me cause you didn't even call me once after you left for London. I think you have forgotten me." He said.

I bit my lips so hard that it began to bleed. Little did he know how his words are effecting me in this situation.

"Please bhai, don't say like that. I really miss you." I replied to him wiping off the tears.

"Annu, are you okay?" He asked me in a tone which obviously stated that he is worried.

"Y..yes bhai. I'm okay." I replied.

"But you don't sound okay. Are you crying? Did Hussein hurt you?" He asked me and at the last part his voice rised in anger.

"No..no bhai. I'm perfectly alright. It's just that I'm feeling lonely and I miss you so much." I told him, successfully concealing the quivering in my tone.

"Umm, listen, Aanya, I know this very well that you're lying to me. I know you don't want to tell me what's bothering me. But you know me well, I will find it out sooner or later. And trust me you don't want that because the consequences will be bad, specially if Hussein is the reason for your sufferings." He warned.

To say that I was scared by his warning would be an understatement. He can be the scariest person when needed. I gulped again and again before speaking.

"Bhai, please trust me. Nothing is wrong with me. As I said I was missing you and when I heard your voice I got emotional. That's all. I promise." I told him.

Before he could say anything, I continued, "Bhai, umm, how is your job? I mean you said your boss was creating hurdles. Is everything alright?"

"Ohh, about that, Annu, I actually resigned to that job." He said timidly.

"What? Why?" I asked him.

"Because, umm, okay, listen, I wasn't supposed to tell you this but I can't hide this anymore. I actually resigned because Hussein asked me to work a his partner. Since he has moved to London there was no one who was trustworthy enough and he asked me to take care of the main branch. So.."

"What did you do bhai?! Why? You should have atleast asked me before taking any step." I yelled at him cutting him off.

There was complete silence for few seconds. No one uttered a word. I was breathing hard and I could feel anger radiating from me. Never in my life I yelled at my brother.

The Billionaire's Revenge ✔ (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now