Chapter 31: More news

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"I'm kinda hurt that I'm not good enough for you but I understand. Why don't you try talking to Jeanette?"I ask.

"I don't know"he says.

"Try talking to her. See if you like her. Get to know her better"I say.

"You'll think she'll just talk to me, I mean we've only glanced at each other a couple times but barely"he says.

"Just go talk to her"I say and push his arm. "Ok, calm down. I will"he says and goes to sit next to her.

"I think she's hungry"Ariana comes back holding Sophia.

"There's some restrooms over there"I say and point to the direction their in."You can feed her in there"I say and she nods in agreement. She goes to the restroom.

"So has she finally told you she likes you again. Or should I say love you again?"Frankie sits next to me.

"No and she probably never will"I say.

"Give her some time. Trust me. She loves you but she's just not ready to admit it yet"He says.

"If you're right, then I hope she realizes soon cause I don't know if I can stand this Connor guy. He's dangerous, he carries around a gun"I say.

"I know, I would have beaten him up long time ago if it weren't for that stupid gun"he says. "Me too"I say.

"I've missed hanging out with you, your like a little brother"Frankie says and pushes me.

"Yea, we had some good times"I say and push him back.

"Excuse me?"I hear someone shout. It's Jeanette.

All heads turn her way where her and Chaz are.

Oh no! What did he say?

"Your excused"Chaz says.

No, don't say that.

"I'm excused? Your an idiot"she says.

"I'm not an idiot, if anyone is an idiot here, it would be you and your big head"Chaz says.

Wrong move Chaz.

Jeanette's eyes go wide and she steps up to Chaz's face with fists balled and teeth clenched.

She was always a fighter.

I need to stop this before she hurts Chaz, cause I know she can. I see a scared look in his eyes.

"Stop!"I say and get between them.

"What's going on here?"Ariana comes back. "Nothing, everything is fine"Jeanette says and unclenches her fists. She fixes her hair and sits back down.

Ariana looks at me hoping I can answer. I look at Chaz and shake my head.

"We need to talk"I say and grab his arm and pull him away from everyone.

"What did you do?"I ask. "I did nothing"he says. I raise an eyebrow.

"I went over there and we started bonding. She likes a lot of things I like. Then I said that she's hot. She got mad and said not to call her that. Then I fired back and said I didn't like her attitude and that's when she started shouting for everyone to hear"he says.

"Ok number one, you never call a girl hot, you call them beautiful. Girls like that word way better. And number two, you never talk to a girl about her attitude. That's just girls. When me and Ariana use to date, she had a huge attitude but I never told her that. Telling a girl they have an attitude is like a slap to the face"I say.

"I call girls hot all the time, and I've never had them give me attitude"he says.

"Yea but a lot of girls don't like that word. So just listen to me ok?"I say.

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